Welcome to the home page for the 2022 Northern B/C Divisional Tournament tournament hosted by Choteau High School on Jan 22, 2022 for High School students.
Status: Tournament Completed
Northern B/C Speech and Drama
Divisional Tournament 2022
Hosted by Choteau High School
Entry Deadlines:
Registration for new schools will close on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Registered schools can make category changes until Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Drops will be allowed without penalty until Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 6:00 pm
We are not charging a drop fee, but invoices will stand as of the drop cut off time.
We also know that things happen, especially moving into the postseason, communication will be key to making this tournament successful. If a situation arises after the deadlines, please reach out to Cody and we will work through the process. We are not in the business of leaving kids behind and will try to do everything we can to accommodate the late requests.
Entries: Schools will be limited to 3 entries in each event.
Rules: All events will be conducted according to the current MHSA handbook. We will be conducting the divisional tournament in accordance with the options available.
Round 1
9:00 am
Round 2
11:00 am
Round 2
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Extemporaneous Draw schedule will be released prior to the tournament as it will not begin 30 minutes prior to the start of each round. Extemporaneous Proctors will also be assigned.
*We have built in extra time for a few reasons. We are well aware that this extends the day and pushes travel for some of you. We wanted to ensure that the students have time to eat and hydrate, as well as give the tab team and coaches time to do what we need to do in the tab room. This is the final shot to advance to the state tournament, and we want to make it perfect. We will take our time in all respects.
Tabbing: Tabbing will be done on the computer in the Junior High Science Room. We will assign tabbing assignments as well as non-host postings checkers and tab checkers. Please only do the job you were assigned. Experienced tabbers will be paired with those that are still getting comfortable. We want to make sure that everyone is comfortable with tabbing moving into the state tournament. There is no reason one person should be tabbing every category.
*It is incredibly important that you and ALL of your assistant and volunteer coaches have paid their MFEA dues PRIOR to the Divisional Tournament. Paying those fees allows you to be in the tab room and part of the action. You must communicate with Becky Nay rnay@huntley.k12.mt.us She is the treasurer for MFEA.
$5.00 per student
$5.00 per team
Registration: Please register via FTN using this link:
Buildings: Preliminary and Final rounds will be held in the Choteau High School, Junior High, and Elementary buildings. They are all attached and will not require students to go outside. Check-in will be at the High School Office. The Tab Room will be in the Junior High Science Room. Students will live in the High School Gym.
Concessions/Meals: Concessions will be available beginning at 8:00 am. Cash is accepted as well as team tab sheets. Please arrange that with the concessions manager first thing in the morning. The coffee cart will also be available for lattes, steamers and Italian sodas.
Hospitality: Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all coaches and bus drivers. We will also have a variety of snacks throughout the day to keep all of us running for the duration.
Awards: Awards will be held in the High School Auditorium following final tabbing. As stated above, We want everything to be perfect so I am not putting a specific time on this. The Choteau team theme has been “We are a rainbow of possibilities,” we would love to see all the colors in the audience for awards!
Lincoln-Douglas Debate – 2022 January/February
Resolved: The appropriation of outer space by private entities is unjust.
Public Forum Debate – 2022 January
Resolved: The United States federal government should legalize all illicit drugs.
Policy Debate – 2021-2022
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.
Covid: Competitors and coaches are not required to wear masks, but they are perfectly acceptable. Please remind your students to respect the wishes of some of our community volunteers and avoid shaking hands or moving inside the personal bubble whenever possible. As situations and local responses are in constant flux, please stay tuned for any updates regarding revised protocols. We will be sanitizing each competition room after each round.