Welcome to the home page for the 2025 National Online Forensics Championship - College tournament hosted by National Online Forensics on Mar 21-23, 2025 for College students.

Status: Accepting Entries


2025 Championships


(Invite last updated 3/13/24)


Dear Forensics Community,


Building upon the success of last year’s online championships, National Online Forensics is excited to announce the 2025 National Online Forensics Championships for College, High School, Middle School, and Elementary.   This will be a synchronous video conference national championship tournament. 


 Tournament Dates:


March 21-23, 2025

Register by Mar 18, 2025

High School 

May 26-June 1, 2025

Register by May 20, 2025

Middle School 

May 26-June 1, 2025 

Register by May 20, 2025


May 31-June 1, 2025

Register by May 20, 2025


National Online Forensics sees a tremendous value in an online national championship that can afford more competitors and programs the opportunity to compete and showcase their skills on a national level.


Key Points:

  • Registration is due by March 18 for College and May 21 for High School, Middle School, and Elementary at 8pm Pacific time on ForensicsTournament.net

  • Reasonable entry fees payable by credit card on the website. Payment will be available the week of the tournament.

  • Each school is required to provide one judge for every 5 IE entries per pattern/2 debate teams. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, uncovered entries may be allowed (penalty fees apply).

  • The tournament will use synchronous video conferencing. Please see the Best Practices section of this invite for tips on how to effectively use the platform.

  • There will be a single championship division for all events.

  • The Opening Ceremony, most college final rounds, and the Awards ceremony will be live-streamed on YouTube.


We hope you and your team can join us for a celebration of the hard work our forensics competitors have been doing all season.  If you have any questions please feel free to email us at robert@nationalonlineforensics.org 



The National Online Forensics Team


2025 College Schedule*


Time (Pacific)

Fri Mar 21

8:00 AM

9:30 AM

Pattern C Round 1

10:45 AM

Pattern C Round 2

12:45 PM

Pattern C Round 3

2:00 PM

Pattern C Round 4

3:30 PM

Pattern C Elim 1

5:00 PM

Pattern C Elim 2

6:30 PM

Pattern C Elim 3 (if necessary)

7:30 PM

Time (Pacific)

Sat Mar 22

Sun Mar 23

8:00 AM

9:30 AM

Pattern A Round 1

Pattern B Round 1

11:15 AM

Pattern A Round 2

Pattern B Round 2

1:30 PM

Pattern A Round 3

Pattern B Round 3

3:15 PM

Pattern A Elim 1 (Events TBA)

Pattern B Elim 1 (Events TBA)

5:00 PM

Pattern A Elim 2 (Events TBA)

Pattern B Elim 2 (Events TBA)

6:30 PM

7:30 PM



* Schedule may be adjusted depending on entries

Pattern A: Informative, After Dinner, Prose, Poetry, Extemp, SPAR

Pattern B: Persuasion, Comm Analysis, Drama, POI, DUO, Impromptu

Pattern C: NFA-LD, IPDA, NOF Parli

2025 High School Tentative Schedule*


Time (Pacific)















8:00 AM

Pattern E Round 2

Pattern F Round 3

Pattern C Elim 1

Pattern D Elim 1

9:30 AM

Pattern G Round 2

Pattern G Elim 1

11:00 AM

Pattern E Round 3

Pattern F Round 4

Pattern E Elim 2

Pattern F Elim 2

1:00 PM

Pattern G Round 3

Pattern C Elim 2

Pattern D Elim 2

3:00 PM

Pattern A Round 1

Pattern B Round 1

Pattern C Round 1

Pattern D Round 1

Pattern E/F Round 1 

Pattern A Elim 1

Pattern B Elim 1

Pattern G Elim 2

4:15 PM

Pattern A Round 2

Pattern B Round 2

Pattern C Round 2

Pattern D Round 2

Pattern F Round 2

Pattern E Elim 1

Pattern F Elim 1

5:30 PM

Pattern A Round 3

Pattern B Round 3

Pattern C Round 3

Pattern D Round 3

Pattern G Round 1

Pattern A Elim 2

Pattern B Elim 2

7:30 PM


* Schedule may be adjusted depending on entries. 

Pattern A: Info, Pers, STE, Imp, Assigned Platform

Pattern B: POI, POE, Prose

Pattern C: DUO, DRA, HI, Original Interp

Pattern D: Declamation, Storytelling, Extemp, NOF Mock Trial 

Pattern E: Congress (may not enter debate)

Pattern F: LD, PF, NOF Parli, Big Questions, World Schools (may not enter Congress)

Pattern G: SPAR

2025 Middle School Tentative Schedule*


Time (Pacific)















8:00 AM

Pattern E Round 2

Pattern F Round 3

Pattern C Elim 1

Pattern D Elim 1

9:30 AM

Pattern G Round 2

Pattern G Elim 1

11:00 AM

Pattern E Round 3

Pattern F Round 4

Pattern E Elim 2

Pattern F Elim 2

1:00 PM

Pattern G Round 3

Pattern C Elim 2

Pattern D Elim 2

3:00 PM

Pattern A Round 1

Pattern B Round 1

Pattern C Round 1

Pattern D Round 1

Pattern E/F Round 1 

Pattern A Elim 1

Pattern B Elim 1

Pattern G Elim 2

4:15 PM

Pattern A Round 2

Pattern B Round 2

Pattern C Round 2

Pattern D Round 2

Pattern F Round 2

Pattern E Elim 1

Pattern F Elim 1

5:30 PM

Pattern A Round 3

Pattern B Round 3

Pattern C Round 3

Pattern D Round 3

Pattern G Round 1

Pattern A Elim 2

Pattern B Elim 2

7:30 PM


* Schedule may be adjusted depending on entries

Pattern A: Info, Pers, STE, Imp, Assigned Platform

Pattern B: POI, POE, Prose

Pattern C: DUO, DRA, HI 

Pattern D: Declamation, Storytelling, Extemp, NOF Mock Trial 

Pattern E: Congress (may not enter debate)

Pattern F: LD, PF, NOF Parli, Big Questions, World Schools (may not enter Congress)

Pattern G: SPAR

2025 Elementary School Schedule*


Time (Pacific)

Saturday May 31

Sunday June 1

8:00 AM

Pattern H Round 1 

Pattern H Round 4

9:30 AM

Pattern H Round 2

Pattern J Elim 1 (Events TBA)

11:00 AM

Pattern H Round 3 

Pattern H Elim 1 (Events TBA)

1:00 PM

Pattern J Round 1

Pattern J Elim 2 (Events TBA)

3:00 PM

Pattern J Round 2

Pattern H Elim 2 (Events TBA)

4:15 PM

Pattern J Round 3

5:30 PM

7:30 PM


* Schedule may be adjusted depending on entries. 

Pattern H: Congress, SPAR, Public Forum, NOF Parli 

Pattern J: Duo, Impromptu, Declamation, Poetry, Prose, Storytelling, Informative, Persuasive 

Individual Events


  • Three prelims will be held; elimination rounds will be held as necessary.

  • Competitors may enter a maximum of four individual events per pattern.

  • All multiple-entered students are responsible for making it to their other rounds on-time. Any student not checked-in with their judge at the beginning of the round may miss their chance to speak. Judges are obligated to wait for a competitor until 10 minutes before the end of the allotted time for the round. Competitors missing their round will receive last place in the round.

  • 1 Judge is required for every 5 entries per pattern

  • Prelim Ranking: Ranks/Decimal/Drop High Rank  

  • Elim Ranking: Total Rank/Number of Firsts in Event/Rank in Elim/Decimal in Elim/Judge Pref in Elim

  • Speaker Points will not be used.

  • Competitors will be recognized with Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honors awards. See NOF Bylaws for more information.

  • All competitors in elimination rounds will receive recognition. 

  • The top speaker in each event will be recognized as the National Champion.


Limited Prep Events:

  • Impromptu topics will be provided to each competitor in the Live Video Room (their competition room) chat box.  Judges will need to copy/paste the topics  (provided on the eBallots) in the chat window for the competitors.  

  • Each competitor will receive a different set of impromptu topics. 

  • Extemp questions will be provided through ExtempRoom.com.  More information to be provided. Competitors in extemp should go to the help room with any questions.


Platform Events:

  • While competitors are allowed to still use electronic Visual Aids, they are encouraged to have them printed on 8.5x11 pages to show to the audience while presenting. 

  • Screen sharing to show a PowerPoint or image is permitted.  Competitors should be familiar with the 8x8 video sharing feature and do so at their own risk. Any technological issues may influence judge ranks. 


Interp Events:

  • Books are encouraged but not required. Given the nature of the video conferencing system, holding books while performing can block many cameras. Competitors are encouraged to use them to hold true to traditional forensics tournaments but this adaptation is left to the competitors. Judges are instructed not to penalize competitors for not using books. 

  • Competitors may, if they desire, stand up while performing to showcase blocking, but the technology works better sitting in front of the camera. 




  • Standard pairing will be used with 2 random rounds followed by 2 High-Low rounds. 

  • In Elims, brackets will be broken to facilitate debating. 

  • Competitors will be recognized with Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honors awards. See NOF Bylaws for more information.

  • Competitors may only enter one format of debate per pattern.

  • 1 Judge is required for every 2 debate entries

  • Speaker Point Scale will be 100-70

  • Prelim Ranking: Wins/Total Points/HL Points/Z Score/Opp Wins

  • Speakers Ranking: Total Points/HL Points/Ranks/Z Score

  • A 5 minute forfeit rule will be put in place for all debate rounds.

  • See tournament homepage for topics.




  • Preliminary Round Sectioning: Competitors will ideally be assigned to panels/chambers of 10-20 competitors apiece. Each panel/chamber shall not exceed 24 competitors.

  • Competitors will remain in the same chambers for all prelim rounds.

  • Competitors will be recognized with Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honors awards. See NOF Bylaws for more information.

  • 1 Judge is required for every 5 Congress entries.

  •  Dockets will be released on the first of each month at NationalOnlineForensics.org.

  • Prelim Ranking: Prelim Ranking: Cume Rank/Cume Decimal/Adjusted Rank/Parli

  • Elim Ranking: Total Rank in Event/Number of Firsts/Rank Points in Elim/Decimal in Elim/Judge Pref in Elim/Parli Rank in Elim.

  • For Congress, we will release three preliminary dockets: Elementary, Middle School, and High School, along with a Finals docket. If events need to be combined, the Finals docket will be used alongside the preliminary docket. For instance, if the Elementary and Middle School divisions are merged into one event, they will share the legislation already present in both their preliminary dockets. This shared bill, along with the Finals docket, will serve as the preliminary docket for the combined group, ensuring all participants are familiar with the legislation.

  • See the NOF Bylaws for more information about NOF events and awards.




  • Top schools will be recognized in the following categories:

    • Elementary, Middle, High School, Community College, and University. 

  • Top 5 individual event speakers will be recognized. 

  • Top Debate speakers will be recognized in each debate event.

  • See the NOF Bylaws for event point values. 



  • School Fee: $50

  • Individual Event Entries: $30/entry

  • Duo Entries: $40/entry

  • Congress Entries: $30/entry

  • 1-Person Debate Event Entries: $60/entry

  • 2-Person Debate Event Entries: $70/entry

  • 3-Person Debate Event Entries: $80/entry

  • Judges: First Missed Ballot - $25 / Subsequent Missed Ballots - $50

  • Uncovered IE/Congress Slot (with Tournament Director Approval): $35/slot

  • Uncovered Debate Entry (with Tournament Director Approval): $75/team

  • Changes after the entry deadline: $25 per change (subject to tournament director approval) 

  • Judge drops within 24 hours of the tournament will be charged a $150 judge no-show fee.  

  • Judges who submit incomplete eBallots (with little to no substantive feedback) may be charged a judge no-show fee for failing to complete their judge assignment which includes both ranking the speakers along with giving sufficient comments.

  • Delay of tournament fees may be assessed from $20-$100 based on the severity of the delay.

  • Competitor no-shows (coaches did not notify the tournament prior to the missed round) - $35


Any schools seeking to buy out of their judging requirements must have approval by the Tournament Director. Please contact us early so we can let you know if we will be able to approve uncovered entries.  


Any judges seeking to be hired by the tournament may register using the judge interest form on the registration page.


The tournament reserves the right to assign ballots to judges which are scheduled:

Due to the complex nature of the schedule, judges may be asked to accept ballots in events they did not initially register.  For example, if a judge is signed up to accept debate ballots, but the tournament needs more Impromptu judges, then that judge would be expected to take the Impromptu ballot.  We will do our best to accommodate event requests, but may not be able to do so.


To ensure timely pickup of ballots, all judges should wait in the Standby Judge Room until dismissed or they have picked up a ballot via e-mail. This will ensure judges are not missing ballots pushed to them during the tournament.


Official Rules


For more information about National Online Forensics Tournaments, please consult our by-laws: 


National Online Forensics (NOF) By-Laws


Competitor Logistics / Best Practices


  • All competitors must have a verified text number or email saved on ForensicsTournament.net  Email is preferred. 

  • Coaches can save and verify competitor contact details from the Student Roster page. 

  • Competitors will receive a text/email with their ePostings information. Postings will be sent approximately 15 minutes prior to each round.  

  • The ePostings will have a link to a Live Video Room where they will perform.  Click that link to go to your round.  No logins or passwords are required.  Judges will be in the same Live Video Room to listen and rank the round. 

  • If multiple-entered, students should go to each room before competing and type in the chat window that they are multiple-entered so judges are aware. Request to compete early and leave promptly to join the next event.

  • Please do not immediately start to talk when entering a Live Video Room. Another student may be performing.  Please wait to be recognized by the judge(s).

  • Students should remain in the Live Video Room as audience members and have video on, as much as possible. 

  • Students can, if it fits their particular setup, sit while performing.  Judges are instructed not to penalize students for sitting while speaking since the particular tech setup may work better while sitting. 

  • Students are also encouraged to use a mic/headphones since audio quality is much better than with an external mic.  Judges are instructed not to penalize students for having mics/headphones on.

  • We recognize technological limitations create some challenges for certain events.  But we trust in the ingenuity of the forensics community to adapt to the online environment.  Some students may have better quality video, lighting, sound, etc…  We will all try our best.

  • If a student’s internet connection drops or audio quality is poor, they will be required to call into the video conference room and give their speech with audio only. While not ideal, it will ensure all student’s speeches are listened to by a judge.  You can get the dial-in information from the info icon in the bottom right of the screen. 

  • Request help by going to the help room and communicate promptly if any issues arise. 

Judge Logistics / Best Practices


  • All judges must have a verified phone or email saved on ForensicsTournament.net. Email is preferred.

  • Coaches can save and verify contact details from the Judge Roster Page

  • Judges will receive a text/email with their eBallot link.  Judges should click on that link within 5 minutes of receiving it to indicate that they have “picked up” their ballot.  

  • On your eBallot you will have all of the competitors listed in that round along with a link to a live video room. Click that link to go to your video conference room. Competitors who are multiple entered, will have that listed adjacent to their name. Please be flexible in accommodating double entered competitors.

  • Your eBallot has fields where you can add your feedback to the student. Feedback can be added while they are performing and added throughout the competition until the awards ceremony.  The eBallot also has a timer to make it easy to time each speaker.  

  • If a judge’s keyboard is loud they are encouraged to mute  audio during performances but please leave the video feed on so competitors can receive your visual feedback.

  • Judges are instructed not to penalize students for sitting while speaking since the student’s particular tech setup may work better while sitting. 

  • Judges are also instructed not to penalize students for having mics/headphones on since audio quality is usually much better using a mic/headset.

  • Judges are also instructed not to penalize students for lighting, video/audio quality, video background to the extent possible.

  • If a judge’s internet connection drops or audio quality is poor, they will be required to call into the video conference room and listen to speeches with audio only. While not ideal, it will ensure all student’s speeches are listened to by a judge.  You can get the dial-in information from the info icon in the bottom right of the screen.

  • For Impromptu/Extemp/IPDA/NOF Parli, the eBallot will have the quotations/questions listed on it under prompts - or in the case of extemp, the prompts will be provided by the tournament prior to the start of the round and competitors will arrive after their designated prep period.

  • Tue 03/18/25 8:00 pm
    Close registration (schools can not edit their registration)

Judge Interest Signups
  • interested in judging at this tournament as an unaffiliated judge?

    Signup Here