Welcome to the home page for the 2021 National Online Forensics Championship - College tournament hosted by Online on May 7-9, 2021 for College students.
Status: Tournament Completed
2021 College Championship
Dear Forensics Community,
Building upon the success of last year’s online collegiate forensics festival, National Online Forensics is excited to announce the 2021 National Online Forensics College Championship. This will be a synchronous video conference national championship tournament held Fri May 7 - Sun May 9, 2021.
National Online Forensics sees a tremendous value in an online national championship that can afford more students and programs the opportunity to compete and showcase their skills on a national level.
Key Points:
Registration is due by Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 8pm Pacific time on ForensicsTournament.net
Reasonable entry fees payable by credit card on the website.
Students will need to compete with the authorization and support of their school’s coaching staffs. No independent student entries will be accepted.
Each school is required to provide one judge for every 5 IE entries per pattern/2 debate teams. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, uncovered entries may be allowed (penalty fees apply).
The tournament will use synchronous video conferencing on the 8x8 platform. Please see the Best Practices section of this invite for tips on how to effectively use the platform.
There will be a single championship division for all events.
All 11 individual events (with some modifications) and 3 debate events (NPDA, NFA-LD, and IPDA) will be offered.
The Opening Ceremony, most final rounds, and the Awards ceremony will be live-streamed on YouTube.
We hope you and your team can join us May 7-9 for a celebration of the hard work our forensics students have been doing all season. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at info@nationalonlineforensics.org
Mon 01/25/21 12:00 am Pacific
Start registration (schools can begin registering competitors and judges)
Wed 05/05/21 8:00 pm Pacific
Drops only (no new entries or changes allowed)
Thu 05/06/21 5:00 pm Pacific
Close registration (schools can not edit their registration)