Welcome to the home page for the 2025 Nicholas F Burnett "Hornet Cup" Invitational tournament hosted by CSU Sacramento on Mar 21-23, 2025 for College students.

Status: Accepting Entries

We are excited to be hosting you at Sacramento State for the Nicholas F. Burnett "Hornet Cup" Speech & Debate tournament.

You can find most of the information you need for the weekend on our website at https://www.hornetdebate.com/hcinfo.html

The tournament will be headquartered out of Riverside Hall and the tabroom will be in 2010. There will be information available about the schedule and the buildings we are using in the lobby. We will have snacks/coffee available in room 1002 (after 2:00 pm on Friday) There are areas throughout the building where your team can gather and hang out, including fairly large courtyard behind the building. Unfortunately, rooms are limited on Friday, so we will not have prep rooms available for IPDA. IPDA Strike and Extemp Prep will be in RVR 1015. 

For anyone who may need to decompress, relax, or get away from the stimulation of a tournament - we will have a "Peace & Quiet" Room in Riverside 1006. This will be a quiet room with low lighting as well as some massage equipment. On Sunday afternoon, we will have a Yoga instructor/Personal Trainer available in the room for guided breathing, stretches, and meditation. 

All of the buildings that we will be using are located near each other. On Friday, the President's Cup IPDA Round Robin will be held in Mendocino Hall. Topic strike will be in room 4000 and there is some space available on each floor where people can prep. We are working on providing community judgesd for the Round Robin, however, judges for IPDA may be used in either the regular IPDA tournament or the round robin.

For parking - we recommend Parking Structure 2. Parking is enforced on campus 24/7. There is a permit machine on the third floor of the parking structure but you can also pay online.


We are excited to have you on our campus and we hope that everyone will have a wonderful time. We are hoping to honor the legacy of Dr. Burnett by providing a fun, educational, fulfilling, and competitive tournament. We have great snacks for you, shiny trophies, a lot of our alumni will be here to judge, and Herky the Hornet may be stopping by! 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to track me down and ask!


Jared Anderson

Important Rooms:

Registration:  Riverside Hall 2010 

Tabroom: Riverside Hall 2010

Student Lounge:  Riverside Hall 1002 (not available until 2:00 PM on Friday)

Normal IPDA Strike : Riverside Hall 1015

Round Robin Strike: Mendocino Hall 4000


"Peace & Quiet" Room: Riverside Hall 1006


  • Wed 03/19/25 5:00 pm
    Drops only (no new entries or changes allowed)