Welcome to the home page for the 2025 BPCC Eddy Shell Invitational (in person) tournament hosted by Bossier Parish Community College on Feb 21-23, 2025 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

02/22/25 IPDA Breaks, pending Coach's Check


ACU Hotze

ACU Larrew

ACU Leverret

DBU Armstrong

LEE Foster

LEE Heysquierdo

LSS Forck

LSS Schmidley

MSU Orton

MSU Thurner

MSU Wooten

UARK Crews

USM Cronin

UU Madison

WCU Denner

WCU Hale



ACU Gultzkow

MSU Hotson

MSU Gautan

MSU Romano

UCA Watkins

UU Murfey

UU Mullins

WCU Young



ACU Frank

LSS Longino

MSU Daniels

MSU Khadgi

MSU Garrison

MSU Harvey


UU Leatherwood



ACU Sorensen

DBU Colbert

DBU Murrah

Lee Gray

MSU Harvey

MSU Hutchins

MSU Neal

UARK Lewis



2/19/2025 morning update:

Thank you for your entry to the 17th annual Eddy Shell Invitational.


If you have any ADA concerns that you have not made us aware of already  then please email me ASAP so that we may provide accommodations. 


Registration will be in the first-floor lobby of building F.  Throughout the tournament, ballot table and the majority of prep spaces will be in building F (for those who are returning, this is the same building where we’ve been in the past; if you’re new to the tournament a campus map is available at  https://tinyurl.com/BPCC-Debates); some additional prep spaces will be located in a neighboring building.  You may park in any available faculty or student space (no reserved or handicapped spaces); if there are no spaces next to building F – there are typically numerous spaces available south of buildings D & E (see map).  On Saturday/Sunday, there should be ample parking adjacent to building F. All ballots this weekend will be paper ballots, and they may be picked up from the ballot table in building F.


As for food options on campus: on Friday, the Subway in our prep building will be open through lunch time, and on Saturday we’ll be providing free pizza at 2:00.  Also, Emilie’s Café will be set up throughout the weekend in building F near the tabroom (for those who are not familiar, snacks and drinks are available in exchange for a donation to fight childhood cancer). Multiple vending machines are also available on the first floor of building F.

Non Smoking Campus: Please note that our campus is a nonsmoking campus.  Our police department has noted that they will be ticketing violators this weekend.  If you are a smoker you must do so either 1) in your vehicle or 2) beyond the perimeter of the campus (ask at registration and I’ll point you to the nearest area).

Postings will be available online at: https://forensicstournament.net/BPCC/25


Wireless Access: Connect to BPCClink2 and use the following WIFI registration credentials: USERNAME: bpccguest   PASSWORD: saturn#99  (note – this is case sensitive and will lock-out users for 30 minutes if the incorrect credentials are entered 5 times within 15 minutes).


Coaches’ Check: Coaches’ check will be in F-203 (early coaches’ check will be during round 4 of team debate / round 6 of individual debate).  Once early coaches’ check begins, the ballot review tab in FTN will be active so that results can be seen as they are entered.


ORIGINAL POSTING:  Welcome to the 17th annual Eddy Shell Invitational.  Please see the attached invitation for relevant information. Tournament updates will be posted here tournament week and during the course of the weekend.  If you need to pay for your entries via PayPal or Venmo, please contact Bob Alexander (balexander@bpcc.edu) for more information.
