RD 6 Topics: Thought Experiments 1. Info Slide: An advanced alien federation reveals itself to humanity, informing us that an intergalactic war is taking place. They offer Earth a choice: Join the federation to enjoy its security and benefits, but adopt its strict societal and cultural norms, erasing Earth’s unique cultures; or remain independent, preserving cultural uniqueness but facing the challenges and uncertainties of the intergalactic conflict alone. Motion: THW choose to join the federation. 2. You find irrefutable proof that God not only exists, but is indifferent to the actions committed by human beings. THW share this information 3. Scientists discover access to a parallel universe where individuals can observe (but NOT interact with) alternate versions of their lives, including alternative actions and outcomes that may occur. THW observe the parallel universe. 4. A machine is developed that would put an individual into a permanent stasis, removing them from the real world but simulating a reality that is of the individual's choice. THW choose to leave reality and use the machine 5. THW turn the other cheek