D. Novice IPDA Event Prompts

IPDA/NFA Round 1 - 9:15

  1. Speaker 1

    USFG should increase focus on nuclear power for generating electricity
    California should allow private schools to open
    Packing the Supreme Court would do more harm than good
    Offering a high school vocational education track would be desirable
    This house would bite the bullet

IPDA/NFA Round 2 - 10:45

  1. Speaker 1

    USFG should provide free preschool for all children
    California should reject cash bail
    Allowing homeless camping in public places does more harm than good
    The national debt is a looming crisis
    “Every generation needs a new revolution” –Thomas Jefferson

IPDA/NFA Round 3 - 12:30

  1. Speaker 1

    Public colleges and universities should be tuition-free
    USFG should reform the Supreme Court
    Climate change remediation is more important than economic growth
    Trump’s approach to the Middle East is beneficial to the United States
    We have a lot more to fear than fear itself

IPDA/NFA Round 4 - 2:00

  1. Speaker 1

    USFG should ban fracking
    California should mandate second language education throughout elementary and secondary school
    American military intervention has done more harm than good     
    When considering individual rights, capitalism is superior to socialism
    Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

IPDA/NFA Elim 1 - 3:45

  1. Speaker 1

    USFG should mandate arts education in K-12 schools
    USFG should grant statehood to Puerto Rico
    Defunding the police would do more harm than good
    Decriminalizing all drugs is desirable
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”—Albert Einstein

IPDA/NFA Elim 2 - 5:15

  1. Speaker 1

    USFG should enact single-payer healthcare for all
    To receive federal funding, the Department of Education should mandate later start times in K-12 education
    Ending the Senate filibuster rule would do more harm than good
    Decoupling from China would be desirable
    This house would imagine there’s no heaven