Welcome to the home page for the 2023 Sunset Cliffs Classic tournament hosted by Point Loma Nazarene University on Oct 20-22, 2023 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

NPDA Topics:

Round 1: Governor Gavin Newsom would be a better choice for Democrats as their Presidentail nominee than President Biden. // Topic @ 9:02 am, PMC @ 9:22 am

Round 2: Governor Ron DeSantis would be a better choice for Republicans as their Presidential nominee than President Trump. // Topic @ 10:40 am, PMC @ 11:00 am

Round 3: The USFG should use means testing to reform Social Security. // Topic @ 12:30 pm, PMC @ 12:50 pm.

Round 4: The USFG should phase out residential natural gas ovens and stoves over the next five years. // Topic @ 2:05 pm // PMC @ 2:25 pm

Elim #1: Crypto currency should be banned in America. // Topic @ 3:57 pm, PMC @ 4:17 pm

Elim #2: A flat tax is the fairest way to generate federal revenue. // Topic @ 5:42, PMC @ 6:02

  • Tue 10/17/23 6:00 pm
    Limit adds, changes, drops to existing schools only (no new schools can register)


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