B. HIGH Extemp Event Prompts

Round 1 MS/HS IE - 8:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    1. How can the GOP regain suburban voters?

    2. Will the Senate’s Russian Report affect the election?

    3. How can the Democratic party entice progressive voters to vote for the party ticket?

  2. Speaker 2

    1. With far right electors winning more primary election will we see a shift in the future of the Republican Party? 

    2. Will the COVID pandemic affect voter turnout?

    3. What can the US do to minimize foreign election meddling?

  3. Speaker 3

    1. Can either presidential candidate unite the country during such turbulent times?

    2. Does Biden have the right plan to tackle COVID? 

    3. What does Trump need to do to win the swing states? 

Round 2 MS/HS IE - 12:00noon

  1. Speaker 2

      1. Will the ruling on the Florida teachers union’s lawsuit affect other school district's reopening plans? 

      2. Are pandemic pods a solution to current educational obstacles? 

      3. Should foreign students be required to take an in person class to keep their education visa?

  2. Speaker 3

      1. Will online education widen the education gap?

      2.  How should college campuses handle a COVID outbreak within the student population?

      3.  How can Standardized testing adapt to current pandemic practices?

  3. Speaker 4

    1. Will COVID change college admissions?

    2. What role does online education have in the future of K-12 academics?

    3. Is shutting down fall college athletics the right move for the future of the university?

Round 3 MS/HS IE - 4:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. What will the effect of Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro renewed attack on the media be? 

    2. What does future Argentinian and Chinese economic hold?

    3. Has COVID exacerbated the current Bolivian political crisis?

  2. Speaker 5

    1. What will the legacy of Evo Morales be? 

    2. Will current allegations be the end of Flordelis de Souza’s political career? 

    3. How has the COVID Pandemic affected the South American Wilderness? 

  3. Speaker 6

    1. What impact will current relations between Venezuela and Iran have on the use of sanctions? 

    2. Will Brazil’s response to COVID destabilize Jair Bolsonaro’s future as president? 

    3. Is Luis Arce the answer to Bolivia’s woes?