A. Open SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1

  1. Speaker 1

    The current grading system in schools is effective
    Genetically modified foods are the most viable solution to world hunger
    Listening to an audiobook counts as reading

  2. Speaker 2

    The current grading system in schools is effective
    Genetically modified foods are the most viable solution to world hunger
    Listening to an audiobook counts as reading

  3. Speaker 3

    The First Amendment protects hate speech
    The pen is mightier than the sword.
    Robin Hood is a thief, not a hero.

  4. Speaker 4

    The First Amendment protects hate speech
    The pen is mightier than the sword.
    Robin Hood is a thief, not a hero.

  5. Speaker 5

    The video gaming world is sexist.
    The psychological benefits of comfort dogs in stressful environments justify their widespread use.
    Children should be consulted before parents divorce

  6. Speaker 6

    The video gaming world is sexist.
    The psychological benefits of comfort dogs in stressful environments justify their widespread use.
    Children should be consulted before parents divorce

Round 2

  1. Speaker 1

    The constitution of the US should be re-written.
    Streaming services have revolutionized entertainment for the better.
    Pop culture should be taught in school

  2. Speaker 2

    The constitution of the US should be re-written.
    Streaming services have revolutionized entertainment for the better.
    Pop culture should be taught in school

  3. Speaker 3

    Junk food should be banned from schools
    Eating meat is not ethical
    The resell culture, especially in fashion and collectibles, undermines the true value of products.

  4. Speaker 4

    Junk food should be banned from schools
    Eating meat is not ethical
    The resell culture, especially in fashion and collectibles, undermines the true value of products.

  5. Speaker 5

    Public transportation should be free
    Ambition is good
    Cutting military spending would lead to more peaceful societies.

  6. Speaker 6

    Public transportation should be free
    Ambition is good
    Cutting military spending would lead to more peaceful societies.

Round 3

  1. Speaker 1

    Planned Parenthood plays a crucial role in ensuring reproductive rights and healthcare.
    Students should never be forced to repeat a year at school
    Social media etiquette should be taught in schools

  2. Speaker 2

    Planned Parenthood plays a crucial role in ensuring reproductive rights and healthcare.
    Students should never be forced to repeat a year at school
    Social media etiquette should be taught in schools

  3. Speaker 3

    Competitive gaming should be recognized as a sport
    Letter grades should be abolished
    The driving age should be lowered to 13

  4. Speaker 4

    Competitive gaming should be recognized as a sport
    Letter grades should be abolished
    The driving age should be lowered to 13

  5. Speaker 5

    Cancel culture is good for society
    A universal minimum wage is essential for ensuring a just society.
    Darth Vader was ultimately a hero, not a villain.

  6. Speaker 6

    Cancel culture is good for society
    A universal minimum wage is essential for ensuring a just society.
    Darth Vader was ultimately a hero, not a villain.


  1. Speaker 1

    Stories with violent content should be banned from elementary schools
    All citizens should be required to vote
    Barbie dolls are harmful

  2. Speaker 2

    Stories with violent content should be banned from elementary schools
    All citizens should be required to vote
    Barbie dolls are harmful

  3. Speaker 3

    Bottled water should not be sold to consumers
    Censorship is necessary
    It is unconstitutional for the United States government to use money for the support of private schools.

  4. Speaker 4

    Bottled water should not be sold to consumers
    Censorship is necessary
    It is unconstitutional for the United States government to use money for the support of private schools.

  5. Speaker 5

    Proper spelling should be used in text messages.
    The legal drinking age should be increased
    Smartphones are inappropriate for middle school students

  6. Speaker 6

    Proper spelling should be used in text messages.
    The legal drinking age should be increased
    Smartphones are inappropriate for middle school students