Tournament Entries

# School Location
1 (Tournament Judges) ,
2 Alverno Heights San Marino, CA
3 Brentwood Middle School Los Angeles, CA
4 Culver City Middle School Culver city, CA
5 EDUBUS Educational Institute Irvine, CA
6 Elite Advocacy Arcadia, CA
7 Emerson Community Charter School Los Angeles, CA
8 Flintridge Preparatory La CaƱada Flintridge, CA
9 Huntington Middle School San Marino, CA
10 Jefferson Middle School San Gabriel, CA
11 Kudos College of Youth Leadership San Marino, CA
12 Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus Pasadena, CA
13 Nova 42 Academy Pasadena, CA
14 Speech & Debate Institute San Marino, CA
15 St. Philip the Apostle School Pasadena, CA
16 Walter Reed Middle School North Hollywood, CA
17 Westridge School Pasadena, CA
18 Wilshire Academy Los Angeles, CA

A. Open Cold Reading

# School Student(s)
1 Culver City Middle School Azzie Johnson
2 Culver City Middle School Jerome Baxt
3 Culver City Middle School Kenzo Phipps
4 Culver City Middle School Lu Levinson
5 Culver City Middle School Nami Noriega
6 Culver City Middle School Quinn Smith-Bussell
7 Culver City Middle School Rio Nakazawa
8 Culver City Middle School Arya Rath
9 Culver City Middle School Sakina Shaiq
10 Culver City Middle School Rachel Hwang
11 Emerson Community Charter School Caidyn Frazier
12 Nova 42 Academy Madeline Sujo
13 Nova 42 Academy Emma Chung
14 Nova 42 Academy Serena Kim
15 Walter Reed Middle School Sean Coleman
16 Walter Reed Middle School Giselle Roh
17 Walter Reed Middle School Joseph Kim

A. Open Declamation

# School Student(s)
1 Brentwood Middle School Ryan Heathcock
2 Culver City Middle School Jerome Baxt
3 Culver City Middle School Lu Levinson
4 Culver City Middle School Walter Wong
5 Huntington Middle School Melody Kwan
6 Jefferson Middle School Zachary MacKay
7 Jefferson Middle School Maddie Wang
8 Jefferson Middle School Tai Robles
9 Jefferson Middle School Aidan Hu
10 Jefferson Middle School Evan Tcheou
11 Jefferson Middle School Shirley Chieng
12 Jefferson Middle School Vanessa Leung
13 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Melvin Pang
14 Speech & Debate Institute Charlotte Thai

A. Open DUO

# School Student(s)
1 Culver City Middle School Asher Rosenau & Leonardo Gonzalez
2 Flintridge Preparatory Ridley Mentzer & Isaac Holland
3 Jefferson Middle School Violetta Avellan & Izzy Davis
4 Jefferson Middle School Ellie Naito & Ella Obike
5 Jefferson Middle School Lyra Salazar & Alana Zamora she/her
6 Jefferson Middle School Jayden Li & Jayden Situ
7 Jefferson Middle School Mady Lai & Hailee Young
8 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Nicholas Lau & Tyler Truong
9 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Jason Xu & Joseph Huang
10 St. Philip the Apostle School Alexa Ho & Caitlyn Aria Garcia
11 Walter Reed Middle School Juliette Benadon & Paige Kutash
12 Westridge School Joy Cui & Gwen Zheng
13 Westridge School Madison Wong & Maliha Rana
14 Westridge School Queenie Zhu & Michelle Le

A. Open Humorous Interp

# School Student(s)
1 Culver City Middle School Nami Noriega
2 Culver City Middle School Asher Rosenau
3 Culver City Middle School Leonardo Gonzalez
4 Culver City Middle School Sakina Shaiq
5 Flintridge Preparatory Allegra Lazo Lemarie
6 Jefferson Middle School Jayden Li
7 Jefferson Middle School Aksel Moore
8 Jefferson Middle School Michelle Pham
9 Jefferson Middle School Daniel Carcamo
10 Jefferson Middle School Giselle Camargo
11 Jefferson Middle School Joleen Tran
12 Jefferson Middle School Emelle Li
13 Jefferson Middle School Peyton Lai
14 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Ashley Liang
15 Nova 42 Academy James Liao
16 Nova 42 Academy David Zhou
17 Nova 42 Academy Emily Zhang
18 Speech & Debate Institute Stella Whitaker

A. Open Impromptu

# School Student(s)
1 Culver City Middle School Ben Polesetsky
2 Culver City Middle School Kisuke Ishimori
3 Culver City Middle School Rio Nakazawa
4 Culver City Middle School Aaryan Panwala
5 Jefferson Middle School Gabriel Salisbury
6 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Bob Wan
7 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Yu Tian
8 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Maynard Lee
9 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Steven Lo
10 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Cindy Choi
11 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Tessie Huang
12 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Annie Zhang San Marino
13 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Cai Hu
14 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Aurelia Xie
15 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Ashley Lieu
16 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Allison Lieu
17 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Ryan Hou
18 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Stephen Yu
19 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Makayla Wang
20 Kudos College of Youth Leadership William Huang
21 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Melinda Hu
22 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Katherine Liu
23 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Justin Gu
24 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Linda Yang
25 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Oliver Liu
26 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Cindy Zhu
27 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Stanley Lam
28 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Amberly Koh
29 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Lexin Xian
30 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Harry Zhou
31 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Tyler Truong
32 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Joseph Huang
33 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Nina Lu
34 Nova 42 Academy Emma Santini
35 Nova 42 Academy Jason Wu
36 Nova 42 Academy Emily Zhang
37 Nova 42 Academy James Liao
38 Nova 42 Academy Audrey Tan
39 Nova 42 Academy Samantha Zheng
40 Nova 42 Academy Lina Haaga
41 Nova 42 Academy Hugo Lira Kusuma
42 Nova 42 Academy Felips Fei
43 Walter Reed Middle School Andrew Kim
44 Westridge School Jasmin Chen

A. Open Informative

# School Student(s)
1 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Melvin Pang
2 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Harry Zhou
3 Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus Sage Yaokasin
4 Nova 42 Academy Isabella Yang
5 Nova 42 Academy Hugo Lira Kusuma
6 Speech & Debate Institute Stella Whitaker
7 Westridge School Queenie Zhu
8 Westridge School Jasmin Chen

A. Open Persuasive

# School Student(s)
1 Culver City Middle School Ben Polesetsky
2 Culver City Middle School Christopher Tomasz
3 Culver City Middle School Lev Miller
4 Emerson Community Charter School Alyssa Hutchinson
5 Jefferson Middle School Vivian Situ (She/her)
6 Jefferson Middle School Carter Brock
7 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Lexin Xian
8 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Nicholas Lau
9 Nova 42 Academy Lily Kim
10 Walter Reed Middle School Giselle Roh
11 Westridge School Madison Wong

A. Open Poetry

# School Student(s)
1 Brentwood Middle School Ryan Heathcock
2 Brentwood Middle School Chloe Armantrout
3 Culver City Middle School Arya Rath
4 Culver City Middle School Rachel Hwang
5 Emerson Community Charter School Molly Olsen
6 Jefferson Middle School Manuel Cordova
7 Jefferson Middle School Ashley Chang
8 Jefferson Middle School Emily Hwang
9 Jefferson Middle School Vianna Peng
10 Jefferson Middle School Chloe Hoang
11 Jefferson Middle School Jennifer Limon
12 Jefferson Middle School Emma Lopez
13 Jefferson Middle School Mia Lau
14 Jefferson Middle School Felicity Li
15 Jefferson Middle School Sydney Sibrian
16 Jefferson Middle School Maite Lila-Andersen
17 Jefferson Middle School Aiden Orozco

A. Open Prose

# School Student(s)
1 Brentwood Middle School Maddi Dardashti
2 Culver City Middle School Kenzo Phipps
3 Jefferson Middle School Beverley Kho
4 Jefferson Middle School Mady Lai
5 Jefferson Middle School Abigail Phuong
6 Jefferson Middle School Emily Tang
7 Jefferson Middle School Christian Kim
8 Jefferson Middle School Vievie Duong
9 Jefferson Middle School Paige Huang
10 Jefferson Middle School Daniel Quach
11 Jefferson Middle School Ava Trinh
12 Jefferson Middle School Ajay Yang
13 Jefferson Middle School Skye Shao
14 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Amberly Koh
15 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Olivia Chen
16 Nova 42 Academy Anna Schofield

A. Open SPAR

# School Student(s)
1 Alverno Heights Milani Anderson
2 Alverno Heights Elle Van Dorpe
3 Alverno Heights Ava Russin
4 Alverno Heights Sofia Bauer
5 Culver City Middle School Aaryan Panwala
6 Culver City Middle School Azzie Johnson
7 Culver City Middle School Christopher Tomasz
8 Culver City Middle School Kisuke Ishimori
9 Culver City Middle School Lev Miller
10 Culver City Middle School Walter Wong
11 EDUBUS Educational Institute Tiger Hu
12 Elite Advocacy Angela Zhang
13 Elite Advocacy Bran Chen
14 Elite Advocacy Harry Chen
15 Elite Advocacy Helen Pei
16 Elite Advocacy Kaiwen Yu
17 Elite Advocacy Will Mei
18 Elite Advocacy Helen Tan
19 Emerson Community Charter School Kingston Bao
20 Emerson Community Charter School Molly Olsen
21 Emerson Community Charter School Ayla Soyinka Coursolle
22 Flintridge Preparatory Wilder Nash
23 Huntington Middle School Chasen Chwang
24 Huntington Middle School Melody Kwan
25 Huntington Middle School Oliver Chow
26 Huntington Middle School Ethan Guo
27 Huntington Middle School Brennan Wong
28 Huntington Middle School Braden Guo
29 Huntington Middle School Evan Shi
30 Jefferson Middle School Jayden Diep
31 Jefferson Middle School Terra Warren
32 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Bob Wan
33 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Kevin Zhang
34 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Maynard Lee
35 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Cindy Choi
36 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Tessie Huang
37 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Eason Xiong
38 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Annie Zhang San Marino
39 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Marvin Zhen
40 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Jessica Liu
41 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Danielle Wang
42 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Simon Cheng
43 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Daniel Xie
44 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Wallace Chang
45 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Elina Dong
46 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Brady Hsu
47 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Hunter Yeung
48 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Eric Su
49 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Darren Wong
50 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Terrence He
51 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Austin Lam
52 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Philbert Chen
53 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Chris Li
54 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Harvey Zhao
55 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Paul Liu
56 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Anne Zhang Walnut
57 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Annie Shen
58 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Stanley Lam
59 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Ashley Liang
60 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Olivia Chen
61 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Jason Xu
62 Nova 42 Academy Ethan Hsieh
63 Nova 42 Academy Raymond Lin
64 Nova 42 Academy David Zhou
65 Nova 42 Academy Anson Poon
66 Nova 42 Academy Matthew Hai
67 Nova 42 Academy Felix Fern
68 Nova 42 Academy Aaditri Sen
69 Nova 42 Academy Caden Chwang
70 Nova 42 Academy Anna Schofield
71 Nova 42 Academy Samantha Zheng
72 Nova 42 Academy Eliana Wong
73 Nova 42 Academy Tessa Cox
74 Nova 42 Academy Serena Kim
75 Nova 42 Academy Zara Das
76 Nova 42 Academy Eric He
77 Nova 42 Academy Ricky Li
78 Nova 42 Academy Emma Patrick
79 Nova 42 Academy Isabella Yang
80 Nova 42 Academy Max Chen
81 Nova 42 Academy Felips Fei
82 Nova 42 Academy Lina Haaga
83 Nova 42 Academy Johnathon Meng
84 Nova 42 Academy Arjun Sundaravadivelan
85 Nova 42 Academy Bo Dai
86 Speech & Debate Institute Matthew Chen
87 Speech & Debate Institute Preslie Tong
88 Speech & Debate Institute Satya Love
89 St. Philip the Apostle School Gabriel Herrera
90 St. Philip the Apostle School Mia Garcia
91 St. Philip the Apostle School Isaac Marquez
92 St. Philip the Apostle School Estella Helbing
93 Walter Reed Middle School Joseph Kim
94 Walter Reed Middle School Teniayo Imoisili
95 Walter Reed Middle School Sean Coleman
96 Walter Reed Middle School Elliana Gentile
97 Walter Reed Middle School Karina Sharp
98 Walter Reed Middle School Alison Lee
99 Wilshire Academy Logan Lee
100 Wilshire Academy Colin Lee

A. Open Storytelling

# School Student(s)
1 Alverno Heights River Rapp
2 Alverno Heights Zina Chou
3 Culver City Middle School Quinn Smith-Bussell
4 Emerson Community Charter School Bear Miller
5 Flintridge Preparatory Simon Chen
6 Jefferson Middle School Max Origel
7 Jefferson Middle School Ava Reyes
8 Jefferson Middle School Drake Qin
9 Jefferson Middle School Samantha Tong
10 Jefferson Middle School Hailee Young
11 Jefferson Middle School Sydney Sibrian
12 Jefferson Middle School Gabriel Salisbury
13 Jefferson Middle School Jayden Situ
14 Jefferson Middle School Andy Zhou Li
15 Jefferson Middle School Skye Shao
16 Jefferson Middle School Santiago Jimenez
17 Jefferson Middle School Jasmine Chen
18 Jefferson Middle School Maddie Wang
19 Nova 42 Academy Audrey Tan
20 Nova 42 Academy Amalia Meza
21 Nova 42 Academy Bella McArthur
22 Nova 42 Academy Emma Chung
# School Judge Individual Events
1 (Tournament Judges) Kelley Coleman Y
2 Alverno Heights Rebecca Russin Y
3 Alverno Heights Robert Bauer Y
4 Brentwood Middle School Nana Huang Y
5 Brentwood Middle School Krishitha Chandran Y
6 Culver City Middle School Stephanie Phung Y
7 Culver City Middle School Matthew Polesetsky Y
8 Culver City Middle School Naomi Yasuda Y
9 Culver City Middle School Ron Levinson Y
10 Culver City Middle School Martin Tomasz Y
11 Culver City Middle School Abhisek Rath Y
12 Culver City Middle School Marcy Miller Y
13 Culver City Middle School Miho Noriega Y
14 Elite Advocacy Jay Arntson Y
15 Emerson Community Charter School Angela Marie Hutchinson Y
16 Emerson Community Charter School Abbi Coursolle Y
17 Flintridge Preparatory Kate Fujimoto Y
18 Huntington Middle School Sarah Tran Y
19 Huntington Middle School Mathias Osgueda Y
20 Jefferson Middle School Kevin Tang Y
21 Jefferson Middle School Julie Bauzon Y
22 Jefferson Middle School Angelina Dieu Y
23 Jefferson Middle School Emily Mai Y
24 Jefferson Middle School Hodrain Liu Y
25 Jefferson Middle School Joaquin Paulson-Moore Y
26 Jefferson Middle School Nox Leuenberger Y
27 Jefferson Middle School Chayse Hoang Y
28 Jefferson Middle School Justin Liu Y
29 Jefferson Middle School Vivianne Flores Y
30 Jefferson Middle School Cam Nguyen Y
31 Jefferson Middle School Carly Zhao Y
32 Jefferson Middle School Alina Robles Y
33 Jefferson Middle School Sandra Alley Y
34 Jefferson Middle School Katie Ingram Y
35 Jefferson Middle School Carrie Salisbury Y
36 Jefferson Middle School Alexandra Singleton Y
37 Jefferson Middle School Ben Salisbury Y
38 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Jolene Huang Y
39 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Annette Ruiz Y
40 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Manny Forde Y
41 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Alexia Daniels Y
42 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Andrew Ruiz Y
43 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Kael Matias Y
44 Kudos College of Youth Leadership Noor Tabba Y
45 Nova 42 Academy Madeline Lee Y
46 Nova 42 Academy Jasmine Tao Y
47 Nova 42 Academy Scott Chung Y
48 Nova 42 Academy Sabrina Ramirez Y
49 Nova 42 Academy Sourya Chilukuri Y
50 Speech & Debate Institute Poema Oleas Mekhitarian Y
51 Walter Reed Middle School Robin Sharp Y
52 Walter Reed Middle School Kang Lee Y
53 Walter Reed Middle School Eric Coleman Y
54 Walter Reed Middle School Kate Miller Y
55 Westridge School Eddie Hamel Y
56 Westridge School Bozena Wrobel Y