A. Open SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1 - 9:00 a.m. Pacific

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • School days should be shorter.
    • STEM subjects are more important than humanities.
    • Social media is more harmful than helpful
  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • School days should be shorter.
    • STEM subjects are more important than humanities.
    • Social media is more harmful than helpful
  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Foreign language classes should be replaced with coding classes.
    • Kids should not be allowed to play tackle football.
    • All childrens’ stories should include a moral.
  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Foreign language classes should be replaced with coding classes.
    • Kids should not be allowed to play tackle football.
    • All childrens’ stories should include a moral.
  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Laptops are better than iPads.
    • Voting should be mandatory.
    • Humans are innately good.
  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Laptops are better than iPads.
    • Voting should be mandatory.
    • Humans are innately good.

Round 2 - 10:30 a.m. Pacific

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Halloween should be an official school holiday.
    •  The sale of violent video games should be banned to anyone under 13.
    • Schools should ban dodgeball.




  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Halloween should be an official school holiday.
    •  The sale of violent video games should be banned to anyone under 13.
    • Schools should ban dodgeball.


  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    •  Music classes should be mandatory in elementary schools.
    •  Schools should not start until after Labor Day.
    • Sarcasm does more good in relationships than harm.




  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    •  Music classes should be mandatory in elementary schools.
    •  Schools should not start until after Labor Day.
    • Sarcasm does more good in relationships than harm.




  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • A college degree is not necessary to succeed.
    • Video games do more good than harm.
    • Money is capable of buying happiness.



  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • A college degree is not necessary to succeed.
    • Video games do more good than harm.
    • Money is capable of buying happiness.



Round 3 - 12:00 Pacific

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Teachers should not assign homework over school breaks.
    • Banning books should not be allowed.
    • Comic strips should be considered a work of literature, not art.


  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Teachers should not assign homework over school breaks.
    • Banning books should not be allowed.
    • Comic strips should be considered a work of literature, not art.



  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Minors should not be allowed to watch television.
    • True beauty is found in the ordinary.
    • School days should start at 9 am.
  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Minors should not be allowed to watch television.
    • True beauty is found in the ordinary.
    • School days should start at 9 am.
  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Schools should not have the right to send kids to detention.
    • A healthy diet is more important than regular exercise.
    • Discord is the best social media platform.
  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Schools should not have the right to send kids to detention.
    • A healthy diet is more important than regular exercise.
    • Discord is the best social media platform.

Final Round - 2:00 Pacific

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Republics are better functioning governments than democracies.
    • Drugs should be legalized in the US
    • Costco is a monopoly.
  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Republics are better functioning governments than democracies.
    • Drugs should be legalized in the US
    • Costco is a monopoly.
  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Global warming is unstoppable
    • Cryptocurrencies should be illegal
    • There should be less focus on AP courses in high school
  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Global warming is unstoppable
    • Cryptocurrencies should be illegal
    • There should be less focus on AP courses in high school
  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • Competitive gaming should be recognized as a sport
    • The Coronavirus Vaccines should NOT be mandated
    • Sales tax should be abolished
  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Competitive gaming should be recognized as a sport
    • The Coronavirus Vaccines should NOT be mandated
    • Sales tax should be abolished


  7. Speaker 7

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • America should pull out of NATO
    • Soda should not be sold at schools.
    • Advertisements should be illegal on children's online sites.
  8. Speaker 8

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    • America should pull out of NATO
    • Soda should not be sold at schools.
    • Advertisements should be illegal on children's online sites.