B. Open Impromptu Event Prompts

Round 1 - 9:00

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  accordion

    2.  dinosaur 

    3.  hole

  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  leather

    2.  brick

    3.  truck

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  ice cube

    2.  ladder

    3.  radio

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  plastic

    2.  staircase

    3.  detective

  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  rope

    2.  candy

    3.  tripod

  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  whip

    2.  sheet

    3.  strawberry

Round 2 - 10:15

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  crime

    2.  old 

    3.  holy

  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  broken

    2.  fear

    3.  allies

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  rage

    2.  nervousness

    3.  stealth

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  health

    2.  annoyance

    3.  bond

  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  wealth

    2.  loyalty

    3.  courage

  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  strength

    2.  pride

    3.  glamor

Round 3 - 2:30

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  It takes a heap of licks to strike a nail in the dark. 

    2.  There are plenty of fish in the sea.

    3.  Every sin carries its own punishment.  

  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  You can put your boots in the oven but that doesn't make them biscuits.

    2.  If you look back, you'll soon be going that way.

    3.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  A diamond on a dunghill is a precious diamond still.     

    2.  Never miss a good chance to shut up.     

    3.  Don't judge a book by its cover. 

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  An ounce of charm is worth a pound of lure.     

    2.  Wishes won't wash dishes.

    3.  If you want something done right, do it yourself.

  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  To keep a customer demands as much skill as to win one.     

    2.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    3.  Every cloud has a silver lining.

  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.

    2.  He who hesitates is lost.

    3.  Actions speak louder than words.

Finals - 8:00

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  “Music is the universal language, it brings people closer together.”

    ―Ella Fitzgerald 

    2.  “We must meet the challenge rather than wish it were not before us” 

    ―William J. Brennan Jr. 

    3.  “Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. It's where all the fruit is.” ―Shirley MacLaine 

  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  “Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.” ―Carol Burnett

    2.  “What everyone wants more than anything else is to be loved.” ―Ella Fitzgerald 

    3.  “It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart.” ―Al Pacino   

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” ―Carol Burnett     

    2.  “Another term for balloon is bad breath holder.” ―Demetri Martin 

    3.  “The hardest thing to do is to be true to yourself, especially when everybody is watching.” ―Dave Chappelle 

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  “There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory.” ―Josh Billings    

    2.  “If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.” ―Milton Berle 

    3.  “People like abstract art because it makes them feel clever.” ―James Acaster 

  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  “I couldn't wait for success, so I went ahead without it.” ―Jonathan Winters      

    2.  “When I told my friends I was going to be a comedian, they laughed at me.” ―Carrot Top

    3.  “I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.” ―Lucille Ball 

  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  “Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others.” ―Jonathan Winters 

    2.  “You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine.” ―Flip Wilson 

    3.  “There is no real security except for whatever you build inside yourself.” ―Gilda Radner 

  7. Speaker 7

    Please copy and paste the following prompts into the chat of your Live Competition Room.  Time should begin immediately after you have submitted them to the chat.

    1.  "A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.” — Alexander Hamilton

    2.  "A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out." — George Bernard Shaw

    3.  "A man with no enemies is a man with no character.” — Paul Newman