A. Championship Parli Event Prompts
Round 1 - 3:30pm
Speaker 1
Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room. OPPOSITION strikes the first topic, then GOVERNMENT strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.
1. Voting is a basic human right.
2. A college education does more good than harm.
3. The United States should abolish Daylight Saving Time.
Round 2 - 5:30pm
Speaker 1
Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room. OPPOSITION strikes the first topic, then GOVERNMENT strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.
1. Organic food is healthy.
2. Zoos do more good than harm.
3. All public schools should be required to teach students how to do their taxes.
Round 3 - 3:30pm
Speaker 1
Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room. OPPOSITION strikes the first topic, then GOVERNMENT strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.
1. Humans are inherently selfish.
2. Marriage does more good than harm.
3. This house should adopt a policy to stop polluting.
Round 4 - 5:30pm
Speaker 1
Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room. OPPOSITION strikes the first topic, then GOVERNMENT strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.
Lockdowns are an effective means of controlling the spread of COVID
Drinking coffee does more good than harm
The United States should adopt a soda tax
Elim 1- 2:30pm
Speaker 1
Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room. OPPOSITION strikes the first topic, then GOVERNMENT strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.
Social Media is harmful
Art classes do more good than science classes
The United States should adopt a wealth tax