A. Championship Spar Event Prompts

Round 1 - 8:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Candy should be given as rewards in the classroom

    Cars are better than trains

    Children Get Too Many Trophies

  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Candy should be given as rewards in the classroom

    Cars are better than trains

    Children Get Too Many Trophies

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Children Should Not Watch Television On School Nights

    Chopsticks are better than sporks 

    Christmas lights should be taken down the day after Christmas

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Children Should Not Watch Television On School Nights

    Chopsticks are better than sporks 

    Christmas lights should be taken down the day after Christmas

  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Cinderella is a good role model for girls

    Clowns are terrifying to little kids

    Colored pencils are better than crayons

  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Cinderella is a good role model for girls

    Clowns are terrifying to little kids

    Colored pencils are better than crayons

  7. Speaker 7

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Cupcakes are better than cake

    Cursive is an important skill

    Dogs are better pets than cats

  8. Speaker 8

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Cupcakes are better than cake

    Cursive is an important skill

    Dogs are better pets than cats

Round 2 - 9:30am

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Drums are a better musical instrument than guitars

    Electronic toys are better than traditional toys

    Every member of a family should have daily chores


  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Drums are a better musical instrument than guitars

    Electronic toys are better than traditional toys

    Every member of a family should have daily chores

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Everyone should grow at least some of their own food 

    Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument

    Everyone should make their bed every day


  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Everyone should grow at least some of their own food 

    Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument

    Everyone should make their bed every day


  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Giving is better than receiving

    Grapes are better than raisins

    Halloween movies are better than Christmas movies


  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Giving is better than receiving

    Grapes are better than raisins

    Halloween movies are better than Christmas movies



  7. Speaker 7

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    High fives are better than hugs

    Honesty is always the best policy

    Humans are better than animals 


  8. Speaker 8

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    High fives are better than hugs

    Honesty is always the best policy

    Humans are better than animals 


Round 3 - 11:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Ice cream is better than popsicles

    Indoor Activities Are More Fun Than Outdoor Activities

    A summer vacation is better than a winter vacation


  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.



    Ice cream is better than popsicles

    Indoor Activities Are More Fun Than Outdoor Activities

    A summer vacation is better than a winter vacation

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    It would be better to be rich and dumb than poor and smart

    It's better to burp in public than fart

    It's easy to make friends at school

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    It would be better to be rich and dumb than poor and smart

    It's better to burp in public than fart

    It's easy to make friends at school

  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    It's fun to be teased

    It's good to have strict teachers

    It's ok to copy homework

  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    It's fun to be teased

    It's good to have strict teachers

    It's ok to copy homework

  7. Speaker 7

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Kids should be able to assign chores to their parents

    Kids should be allowed to stay up as late as they want

    Kids should have mobile phones


  8. Speaker 8

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Kids should be able to assign chores to their parents

    Kids should be allowed to stay up as late as they want

    Kids should have mobile phones


Elim 1 - 9:30am

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Music classes should be mandatory in elementary schools

    Kids should have daily chores

    Parents should have access to their children's social media

  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Music classes should be mandatory in elementary schools

    Kids should have daily chores

    Parents should have access to their children's social media

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Movie ratings (G, PG, PG-13, and R) should be done away with

    Parents should be required to volunteer at their child's school

    Online education is better than in-person education

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Movie ratings (G, PG, PG-13, and R) should be done away with

    Parents should be required to volunteer at their child's school

    Online education is better than in-person education

  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Paper books are better than e-books

    Parents always treat their children fairly

    Never talk to strangers 

  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Paper books are better than e-books

    Parents always treat their children fairly

    Never talk to strangers 


  7. Speaker 7

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Parents should be held responsible for their children’s mistakes

    North Korea should be attacked

    Peanut butter should be allowed at school



  8. Speaker 8

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Parents should be held responsible for their children’s mistakes

    North Korea should be attacked

    Peanut butter should be allowed at school

Elim 2- 1:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    People getting hurt can be funny

    We have a responsibility to help one another out

    People should be allowed to go barefoot anywhere if they want to

  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.



    People getting hurt can be funny

    We have a responsibility to help one another out

    People should be allowed to go barefoot anywhere if they want to

  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    People should become vegetarian to save the planet

    People shouldn't date before high school

    Plastic bags and plastic bottles should be banned

  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    People should become vegetarian to save the planet

    People shouldn't date before high school

    Plastic bags and plastic bottles should be banned


  5. Speaker 5

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    Playing video games can be good for you

    Police are more important than firefighters

    Private schools are better than public schools


  6. Speaker 6

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.



    Playing video games can be good for you

    Police are more important than firefighters

    Private schools are better than public schools

  7. Speaker 7

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.


    School pictures should be abolished

    School should provide laptops to all students

    Schools should eliminate dress codes

  8. Speaker 8

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.



    School pictures should be abolished

    School should provide laptops to all students

    Schools should eliminate dress codes