Welcome to the home page for the 2024 NCFA Spring Fling tournament hosted by Skyline College on May 4, 2024 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

Join us at 6PM PST for a Showcase of Events and the NCFA End of Season Awards - Building 12

Link to Share with folks at home:

Tournament Schedule

8:00 - 8:30 AM  Registration (Building 6, room 214) & Breakfast (provided by Skyline in Building 6, first floor/cafeteria)

8:30 - 9:00 AM  Required Student Judging Orientation (In Building 6 Room 202)

9:00 - 10:30 AM  Round 1: Pattern A (ADS, IMP, INFO, POI, PRO, IPDA, LD)

10:30 - 12:00 PM  Round 1: Pattern B (DI, DUO, PERS, POE, CA Extemp, Parli)

10:30 AM Coaches Meeting (In Building 6, Room 203)

12:00 - 1:15 PM  Round 2: Pattern A 

1:15 - 1:45 PM  Lunch and Star Wars Trivia! (provided by Skyline in Building 6)

1:45 - 3:15 PM  Round 2: Pattern B

3:15 - 4:30 PM  Pattern A Finals & Round 3: IPDA & NFA-LD (All debater in R3)

4:30 - 6:00 PM  Pattern B Finals & Round 3: Parli (All teams in R3)

6:00 PM Honoary Showcase (Building 12)

ASAP Awards (Building 12)


Important Rooms

Registration - Building 6, Room 214

Food & Activities - Building 6, First Floor

Judge OrientationBuilding 6, Room 202

IPDA Strike - Building 6, First Floor

Extemp Prep - Building 6, Room 206

Parli Topic DrawBuilding 6, First Floor

Coaches Meeting at 10:30 AM - Building 6, Room 203

Showcase & Awards - Building 12



Parking is free and there is no permit required to park in staff or student lots. The only parking spots that will be enforced by public safety are disabled person spots, and red zones.

We recommend parking in Lot M (campus map linked below)

Campus Map

The main hub for the tournament this year will be in building 6.  

You can view the campus map here: https://skylinecollege.edu/maps/assets/documents/SkylineCollegeCampusMap.pdf


Skyline College has generously agreed to provide Breakfast & Lunch for all attendees.

It will be in Building 6, First Floor.

WiFi Information

Wifi Network: SMCCD_Public

You will be prompted to provide your name and email address and accept terms of use to access the public WiFi on Campus.

Skyline College is known for having poor cell service. Connecting to the wifi and using a wifi-enabled communication app (Whatsapp) is the best way to communicate to your teammates. We also encourage your ballot preference to be "email" for those of you who are judging. Apologies in advance!



Contact the Tournament Director Kim Yee (kim.yee@sjsu.edu) if you have any questions or issues with registration.
