NPDA Topic and Information Page
Published by Steven Farias
Live Streams:
Final Round Topic:
The International Seabed Authority should significantly increase access to deep sea mining. Topic announced at 4:00 PM, debate should begin at 4:25 PM.
Open Final Round
Open Semi-Final Round
Junior Final Round
Elimination Round 1:
Abolish the Olympics. Topic announce at 10:16, debate should begin at 10:41.
Elimination Round 2:
Congress should pass legislation that limits stablecoin issuance to insured banks. Topic announce at 1:15, debate should begin at 1:40.
Junior Advancing Teams
Solano Community College HW & KC
University of California San Diego DC & SA
University of California San Diego HF & KG
University of California San Diego KH & AP
Open Advancing Teams
Diablo Valley College BB & CC
Diablo Valley College JY & RP
Diablo Valley College TK & BS
University of California San Diego JB & SK
University of the Pacific AS & TS
University of the Pacific GG & JB
treat each with respect, roadmap, be nice to your partner, time yourself, drink water, smile and have fun. We are all nerds talking really fast in an empty classroom on a Saturday and Sunday. Chill out.- Dr. Douglas Mungin, Solano Community College
ANNOUNCEMENT: ROUND 3 TOPIC ANNOUNCE WILL BE AT 1:50 to allow for students & judges to get lunch.
1. Prep is 25 minutes total. At the end of the 25 minutes, students late to the round should have the time they are late subtracted from their first speech. For example, if the Gov team is 1 minute late, they only have 6 minutes for the PMC. If the Opp team is late by 1:30, they only have 6:30 for the LOC. If BOTH TEAMS are late, then you subtract the time for both speeches.
2. Judge philosophies are available on the right hand side of the forensicstournament home page.
Round 1:
Topic announced at 10:00 AM Debate should begin no later than 10:25. The United States federal government should significantly reduce legal barriers to voting in federal elections in the United States.
Round 2:
The United States federal government should significantly reduce policing in the United States. Announced at 11:45 AM, debate begins at 12:10 PM
Round 3:
The European Union should take significant action to increase its energy independence away from foreign sources of energy. Topic announced at 1:50, debate should begin at 2:15.
Round 4:
Canada should take significant action to increase its domestic energy production from sources other than fossil fuels. Topic Announced at 3:45, debate should begin at 4:10.
Round 5:
Great Britain should abolish the Monarchy. Topic announced at 5:40, debate should begin at 6:05.