Welcome to the home page for the 2021 Moraine Valley Appelquist Speech Tournament tournament hosted by Moraine Valley College on Oct 29-30, 2021 for College students.
Status: Tournament Completed
Awards Ceremony
Recording link: https://morainevalley.webex.com/morainevalley/ldr.php?RCID=b64fe3c786ed8fa28041c6a98656c3dc
Password: MVCCAwards2021
Link to the INVITATION is here!
Cleared4Class visitor link
Visitors, judges, coaches and students must use Cleared4Class when coming to campus. They can register and complete the health survey by going to morainevalley.edu/visitor. People in these groups will receive a purple access pass to show when they arrive on campus.
Please log on Friday (10:15am-10:45am) or Saturday (8:15am-8:45am) to confirm your entry. Registration Room HERE
Saturday Registration in building A Room 258
Sign up to judge by clicking this link!
Debate and Time Signals
Watch THIS video before your Debate, Impromptu, or Extemporaneous Speaking round.
Judges on Standby should wait in this room https://8x8.vc/MVCCStandbyJudge2021
You will get an email when standbys are released.
Judges can hang out in this room and chat at any time. If you are not able to wait in this room, just keep your email open and your cell phone handy. If we need to use you as a standby we will reach out.
Sample Ballot
Try out a sample eBallot ahead of time.
Team Room
You can create your own room. Begin with https://8x8.vc/
Add Your team name bestschoolever
Add a 10 digit random number
This room will be live to use for your warmups and such.
It’s that easy. The room will be live for you to use all season.
Contact a member of the tab staff if you need help.
Student Lounge
Come hang out and socialize before and after rounds.
Ext/IPDA Prep
Prep Room HERE
Students should report to this room at the designated prep times.
Extemp Prep Jeff R 773-802-2658
IPDA Prep coming soon
Help Room
Students/Coaches/Judges can drop into this room for help.
Text For HELP
John 773-318-2460
Amanda 630-453-8248
Krista 630-544-4619
Jeff 773-802-2658
Notes for online tournament:
Please share with students, judges, and coaches.
Look Over These Guides- https://forensicstournament.net/online
If you are having Connection Issues
1. Use a different browser (Firefox and Chrome work best). Make sure you are in ONE room at a time.
2. Reboot your computer
3. Make sure your mic, camera, and speaker settings are operational
4. If you are using a tablet or phone us the 8x8meet APP instead of a browser
5. Test your internet. You need a minimum of 6mbps. https://www.speedtest.net
6. Seek help in the help room
Tablet Users may want to use the "8x8 Meet" App. When possible, PC/Laptops will be more effective than tablets and phones. However, if you have unstable internet at any point the "8x8 Meet" App is a great alternative.
"POSTINGS" are left of here. Room and Ballot Links will be emailed to judges, students, and coaches 15 minutes before rounds. In order to avoid "8x8 bombing," we cannot post the room URLs publicly. Tab Staff can also share a room with you.
Observers- Once emails (postings/rounds) go out, students/coaches can share their room-link with teammates. Observers are welcome to observe. Mics off, please. In order to avoid "8x8 bombing," we cannot post the room URLs publicly. Tab Staff can also share a room with you.
Private Messages- Students, please do not PM with each other in the 8x8 rooms during speeches.
Email-v-Text-- We have found that it's better to mark each of your judges and students as receiving their ballots through email instead of text. You can make these choices on your student roster and judge roster.
Empty Room- If you or one of your students is sitting ALONE AND ONTIME in an empty 8 x 8 room something is wrong. Jump into the help room.
Safety Protocols for face to face tournament: In keeping with the college commitment to the safety of both students and staff, this project will adhere to the following safety protocols.
· Students must complete Cleared4Campus each morning the days of the tournament (see below)
· The school requires all visitors enter the same door. Upon entering the Building A Door 1. – we will have a registration table and every student / coach will in and have their Campus Clear verified.
· Teams will be given a designated “homeroom” to reside in during competition breaks. This will help to maximize social distancing.
· Coaches, judges, and competitors are always encouraged to remain at least six feet apart.
· Judges and competitors must be at least a minimum of 10 feet from performers
· Face coverings must be worn by all audience members
· Actual competitions will be restricted to only competing students and judges per room
· Masks shall be worn throughout the day during competition breaks.
· Students and faculty will adhere to all required safety protocols of Moraine Valley
Health Screening:
Visitors, judges, coaches and students must use Cleared4Class when coming to campus. They can register and complete the health survey by going to morainevalley.edu/visitor. People in these groups will receive a purple access pass to show when they arrive on campus.
· If someone does not have the ability to use the online option, paper forms will be provided.
· If a health screening is not completed persons will not be allowed on campus