E. Open IPDA - Two Year Event Prompts

Out-Round 2 IPDA (Draw 3:30)

  1. Speaker 1

    Voter disenfranchisement poses the greatest risk to American democracy

    The USFG should ban violent video games.

    Presidential impeachment no longer serves as an effective tool for accountability

    All college students should be required to complete their first year at a community college

    “After all, tomorrow is another day!” - Gone with the Wind

Out-Round 3 IPDA (Draw 5:00)

  1. Speaker 1

    The USFG should make Election Day a national holiday

    The process for selecting and/or confirming Supreme Court Justices should be significantly changed.

    In intercollegiate debate, logic is preferable to evidence.

    This House prefers oral interpretation events more than prepared public address events.

    “The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.” - Dumbo