Welcome to the home page for the 2025 IIFA--IL STATE Tournament tournament hosted by @ Northern Illinois University on Feb 21-1, 2025 for College students.
Status: Tournament Completed
The tabroom and judges lounge is in Watson 233
Student Lounge is in 204.
Please note the elevator in DuSable is reserved for those who have tournament approval to accommodate their needs. Please read the signs
The internet access instructions are on the Splash Page.
We do not have janitorial services available this weekend. Please help us to keep our campus and tournament space clean.
We are glad you are here, please contact the tabroom or Matt Dupuis if you need any help.
Please visit the new IIFA website: Hotel Invitation IIFA Website!
Registration: Watson 237 9:15-10:15am Friday, February 28. Make checks payable to IIFA.
Coaches'/Judges' Lounge: Watson 233
Student Lounge: DuSable 204--after 2pm Friday
Tab Room: Watson 237
Coaches Meeting: Friday, FEB 28 @ 2:15-3:00 in room Dusable 254
Wi-Fi: Connect to NIUVisitor, for additional instructions visit this link or scan one of the QR codes that can be found around the tournament
Extemp Prep: DuSable 176: (Round 1: Domestic, Round 2: International, Round 3: Economy, Finals: One of each.)
Impromptu Update: We will follow AFA guidelines for 2025. Next year we will follow Phi Rho Pi guidelines.
Warm-up Rooms below.
On behalf of the IIFA board, I invite you to join us at the 2025 Illinois Intercollegiate Forensic Association State Tournament. This year, the tournament will be held on two weekends: (1) IPDA & Parli on Feb 21-22 ONLINE (2) IE on Feb 28-March 1 LIVE AT Northern Illinois University.
In 2019, we added judge "conflict of interest forms" and swapped groups for POE and STE/ADS.
This year, we will again be using forensicstournament.net to run the tournament, so you should make your entry before 5 pm on Tuesday of each week. You can make drops and substitutions until 5 PM Wednesday of each week. After 5 PM Wednesday, please get in touch with Paul by text or cell phone (618-525-2749). If you leave a message, do not assume we have the change unless you get a confirmation. Additionally, each school will receive an entry confirmation on Thursday, Feb 20 and Thursday, Feb 27. You can always double check your entry on FTN.
One final reminder: If you wish to utilize a non-degreed judge, please complete the Non-Degreed Judge Request. If you know folks who want to be hired to judge, they can fill out the Hired Judge Form above. These forms must be submitted by Monday of tournament week to be considered. We need hired judges, even if they can only do a round or two.
As we do every year, the IIFA board is looking forward to the pleasure of your company at the state tournament. With your help, we can continue to maintain the high standards of excellence for which Illinois forensics is known and respected.
Paul Cummins
618-525-2749 cell
Executive Director, IIFA
Warm-Up Rooms: (All in DuSable)
406 Bradley
422 COD
400 CLC
404 DePaul
412 Elgin
452 Harper
402 Highland
474 Illinois St.
426 McHenry
480 Moraine
428 NCC
446 NIU
418 Northwestern
424 Prairie St.
456 SIC
461 UIC
Judge Interest Signups
interested in judging at this tournament as an unaffiliated judge?