Welcome to the home page for the 2022 End of Hi-BEAR-Nation Debate Tournament tournament hosted by University of Central Arkansas on Mar 11-13, 2022 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

We will run the Novice partial octafinal, JV quarterfinal, Varsity partial octafinal, and partial Pro quarterfinal at 9:30 a.m. Please remember that eliminated competitors may be used as judges and that all teams are obligated to judge one round after they are eliminated.

Breaks (pending final ballot review tomorrow):


DBU Perez
DBU Ballard
DBU Colbert
JSCC Jordan
LEE Moreno
LTU Carter
UU Champine
UU Dyer
UU Freeland
UU Shaw

Jr. Varsity:

DBU Miller
DBU Branch
LSUS Thomas
SMU Simes
UU Bope
UU McDonnell
UU Thierfelder
UU Kirk


BPCC Gibson
DBU Hamilton
LEE Kinder
MSU Robertson
OBU Morgan
OBU Webber
SMU Booth
UU Popson
UU McGee


LEE McCauley
LSUS Gedeon
MSU Melvin
UU Sheilley
UU Csoros