Welcome to the home page for the 2022 Gorlok Gala tournament hosted by Webster University on Jan 28-30, 2022 for College students.
Status: Tournament Completed
Awards Link (YouTube) | Awards Slideshow (PDF)
Apologies for missing these during the awards ceremony.
Novice NFA-LD 1st Place
# | Award | School | Competitor(s) |
1 | 1st Place | Illinois State University | Brayden Bobowski |
Novice NFA-LD 2nd Place
# | Award | School | Competitor(s) |
1 | 2nd Place | The Pennsylvania State University | Kaitlyn McMahon |
Novice NFA-LD Semi-Finalist
# | Award | School | Competitor(s) |
1 | Semi-Finalist | The Pennsylvania State University | Lenneya Murray |
2 | Semi-Finalist | University of Northern Iowa | Tristen Prouse |
Special Rooms
Help Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokHelpRoom
Judge Standby Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokStandby
Extemp Prep Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokExtempPrep
Impromptu Waiting Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokImpromptu
Improvisational Pairs Waiting Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokImprovisational
NPDA Parli Topic Announce: https://8x8.vc/GorlokParli
NPDA Final Round Start: 2:05pm central Topic: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its current COVID-19 relief efforts to the American people.
2022 Gorlok Gala Forensic Tentative Tournament Schedule
All Times are Central Standard Time
Friday, January 28
8:30 Check in—Virtual Judges Lounge
10:00 Round 1, Lincoln- Douglas, NPDA, IPDA and Public Forum (Draw and Debate Block)
11:30 Round 2, NPDA, IPDA and Public Forum
11:45 Round 2, Lincoln-Douglas
1:00 Lunch
2:00 Round 3, NPDA, IPDA and Public Forum
2:30 Round 3, Lincoln-Douglas
3:45 Round 4, NPDA, IPDA and Public Forum
4:15 Round 4, Lincoln-Douglas
5:30 Round 5 NPDA, Elimination 1 Public Forum, Elimination 1 IPDA
Saturday, January 29
8:30 Individual Events-Only Check in—Virtual Judges Lounge
10:00 Round 5, Lincoln-Douglas, Extemp Draw
10:30 Round 1, Individual Events “A”
11:45 Round 6, Lincoln-Douglas, Extemp Draw
12:15 Round 2, Individual Events “A”
1:15 Lunch
2:30 Round 1, Individual Events “B”, Elimination 1 NPDA, Elimination 1 Lincoln-Douglas
3:45 Round 2, Individual Events “B”
4:45 Extemp Draw, Elimination 2 NPDA, Elimination 2 Lincoln-Douglas
5:15 Individual Events Semifinals, “A” Finals
5:45 Elimination 2 Public Forum
6:15 Elimination 2 IPDA
Sunday, January 30
8:30 Check in—Virtual Judges Lounge
10:00 Individual Events “B” Finals plus Impromptu Finals, Elimination 4 Lincoln- Douglas, Elimination 3, NPDA
12:00 Awards
2:00/ASAP Debate Elimination/Final Rounds
Dear Forensic Colleagues,
The Webster University Forensic Program, Missouri Omega chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, and School of Communications invite you to the 24th Gorlok Gala Forensic Tournament, to be held synchronously and virtually on January 28-31, 2022. We will be offering the 11 AFA individual events and duo improvisation, along with open, junior and novice divisions of NFA-LD, NPDA and IPDA. There will also be an open division of Public Forum debate. We reserve the option of making last-minute schedule changes and apologize for the uncertainty and any inconvenience that may cause. Special note—We will have IPDA this year only as our campus is too small to host four debate divisions. We have worked hard to create a NEW schedule that is friendly to all four time zones; unfortunately, this means all formats of events will extend over multiple days. It also means that we have more restrictions on cross-entering between debate and individual events than we would normally have at the Gorlok. The spirit of this tournament is to allow for and encourage comprehensive participation. We have done what we can to maximize that within a reasonable virtual schedule. One we return to an in-person tournament, we will return to our original, pre-pandemic schedule.
To help with our planning, we must insist on meeting our Monday, January 24th entry deadline.
We are also continuing two annual awards—a Webster Alumni Award and a Community Citizenship Award. Please see the descriptions in the invitation and consider submitting a nomination.
Please contact us with any questions. We hope to see each of you virtually in St. Louis for the Gorlok Gala!
Gina Jensen Tom Serfass Garrett Dohlke
Director of Forensics Assistant Director of Forensics President
Tournament Director MO Omega Chapter of PKD
Individual event competitors may enter up to three events per flight. We are, however, committed to running a tournament that stays on time. Critics will be instructed to not wait beyond the allotted ending time for each round. A student may enter only two duos and two improvisational pairs. We will make efforts to accommodate multiple entered students in flight A with early speaking positions in extemp.
Students in IPDA or PF may enter both IE flights. Students may only enter one form of debate. Students in NPDA may enter flight A events—and should leave debate rounds following their completion in order to participate in their individual events. Students competing in Lincoln-Douglas may not enter IE’s.
Judging Requirements
One individual events judge will cover ten entries. One debate judge will cover two teams/L-D/IPDA entries.
A single judge may cover the following:
• Two debate entries, 10 IE entries, or one NPDA team and five flight A IE entries.
A judge may not cover:
• More than two debate entries regardless of format, or debate and flight B IE entries.
Judges covering both debate and IE’s must identify their preference between flight B IE’s and PF/IPDA.
For purposes of clarification one NPDA team will require three rounds of coverage since an odd number of preliminary rounds are being offered. A single judge may not cover both LD/IPDA/PF and flight B individual event entries. Schools needing to hire a substantial number of judges should contact the tournament director before tournament week. PLEASE--we would rather have your judges.
Special note regarding LD judges and uncovered LD entries…because of consistently having an overwhelming number of uncovered LD entries, we must insist at least half of any school’s LD entries are covered. We will turn away entries not meeting this request. For example, a school with 12 LD entries must provide at least three judges who are able to cover LD commitments; with only three judges we will not accept a 13th entry. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule.
The top novice in each AFA event will be given a special award. To be eligible, the student should be in his/her first collegiate year in the appropriate genre of event (public address, interpretation, or limited preparation). Duo improvisation will count as either an interpretation or a limited preparation event.
Special Rooms
Help Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokHelpRoom
Judge Standby Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokStandby
Extemp Prep Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokExtempPrep
Impromptu Waiting Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokImpromptu
Improvisational Pairs Waiting Room: https://8x8.vc/GorlokImprovisational
NPDA Parli Topic Announce: https://8x8.vc/GorlokParli
Mon 01/24/22 7:00 pm Central
Limit adds, changes, drops to existing schools only (no new schools can register)
Wed 01/26/22 7:00 pm Central
Close registration (schools can not edit their registration)