C. Open IPDA Event Prompts

IPDA Round 1 - 8:30am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 1 

    1. Embargos do more harm than good.

    2. The United States should reverse its position on Afghanistan. 

    3. China will overtake the United States economically by 2030. 

    4. The United Nations should admit the Taliban’s ambassador as the permanent representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations. 

    5. The Taliban are not the black sheep anymore.

IPDA Round 2 - 10:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 2

    1. Vaccination mandates do more harm than good.

    2. The United States should ban vaccination exemptions.

    3. States that ban mask mandates should be barred from receiving federal coronavirus aid.

    4. The worst of COVID-19 is yet to come. 

    5. The United States economy needs another shot in the arm.

IPDA Round 3 - 11:30am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 3

    1. Cryptocurrencies do more harm than good.

    2. TikTok is bad for society. 

    3. Google should discontinue incognito mode. 

    4. Social media websites should ban official Taliban accounts from their platforms.

    5. Social media websites need to be hedged.

IPDA Round 4 - 1:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 4

    1. Millennials are too obsessed with the feeling of nostalgia.

    2. Gen Z will wind up worse than Baby Boomers.

    3. Japan should encourage immigration to deal with its aging population.

    4. The United States should discontinue Social Security. 

    5. Millennials have fallen asleep at the wheel.

IPDA Bronze Round - 3:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Bronze Round

    1. Developing nations should value economic prosperity over the environment.

    2. Electric cars do more harm than good. 

    3. The United States should ban fossil fuel based vehicles. 

    4. The United States should ban the production of plastic. 

    5. When it comes to plastic pollution, the dam has broken.

IPDA Silver/Gold Round - 5:00pm

  1. Speaker 1


    1. The USFG should implement an open borders policy. 

    2. The USFG should recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation.

    3. Superheroes do more harm than good. 

    4. The Disney Corporation is too big to be left alone.

    5. Metaphor resolutions get the short end of the stick.