Welcome to the home page for the 2021 Gateway Swing Day 2 tournament hosted by Webster University on Dec 5, 2021 for College students.
Status: Tournament Completed
Masks and Vaccinations--We ask that everyone wear a mask while on campus. Speakers will be allowed to remove their mask when speaking but are asked to put it back on when they finish. We encourage all in attendance to be vaccinated. Please inform the tournament director if you or anyone on your team comes down with covid during or immediately after the tournament.
Dear Forensic Colleagues,
The Webster University forensic program, Missouri Omega chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, and School of Communications invite you to the 4th Annual Gateway Forensic Swing Tournament, to be held face-to-face at Webster December 4th and 5th. We will be offering all 11 AFA individual events and two complete tournaments with awards at the end of each day!
We are excited to be able to offer the community another opportunity for a swing tournament.
There are several incentives to entice you into attending the Gateway...
- Two tournaments in one weekend
- We are centrally located and easy to get to
- We will offer a continental breakfast each morning
- St. Louis can be a pretty temperate climate in December
- An opportunity to visit and play in St. Louis
- Great food options in town including the best pasta around
- A separate Saturday debate tournament (C. Thomas Preston, Jr. Study Break Debate Tournament) for any novice or inexperienced junior parliamentary debaters
We are very excited to offer you a swing tournament in St. Louis.
Please contact us with any questions. We hope to see each of you in St. Louis this winter for the Gateway Swing.
Gina Jensen Tom Serfass Garrett Dohlke
Director of Forensics Assistant Director of Forensics President
Tournament Director MO Omega Chapter of PKD
2021 Gateway Swing Forensic Tentative Tournament Schedule
Saturday, December 4
7:00 Individual Events-Only Registration & Continental Breakfast
Location TBA—will be confirmed in entry confirmations and on ForensicTournament.Net
8:00 Extemp Draw—TBA
8:30 Round 1, Individual Events “A”
9:45 Round 1, Individual Events “B”
11:00 Extemp Draw
11:30 Round 2, Individual Events “A”
12:45 Lunch on your own
1:30 Round 2, Individual Events “B”
2:45 Extemp Draw
3:15 Finals, Individual Events “A”
4:45 Finals, Individual Events “B”
6:45 Awards--TBA
Sunday, December 5
7:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast-Location TBA
8:00 Extemp Draw—TBA
8:30 Round 1, Individual Events “A”
9:45 Round 1, Individual Events “B”
11:00 Extemp Draw
11:30 Round 2, Individual Events “A”
12:45 Lunch on your own
1:30 Round 2, Individual Events “B”
2:45 Extemp Draw
3:15 Finals, Individual Events “A”
4:45 Finals, Individual Events “B”
6:45 Awards--TBA
General Tournament Notes
Tournament Hotel
While we don’t have a tournament hotel, we recommend The Sheraton Westport Lakeside Chalet Hotel.
For reservations, call (314) 878-1500.
Awards will be presented to all students reaching elimination rounds--including duplicate awards for duo. We will also be giving top novice awards in all IE’s. Additionally, team sweepstakes awards will be given to the top three teams at each tournament and for the swing. Quadrathon awards will be presented to the top three students at each tournament and for the swing as well.
Student Eligibility
Students must be currently enrolled at the college or university for which they are competing. Students may not have attended a collegiate national forensic tournament in four or more academic years OR completed eight semesters of collegiate competition. A semester is defined as having competed in more than two tournaments. Either of these standards being met (eight semesters of college competition or four years of collegiate national tournament participation) will render a student ineligible to compete in this tournament.
Local Host Entries
Webster University may enter some events. Competing Webster students will be eligible for awards.
Points will be awarded to a school’s top three individual event entries per event. ALL of a school's elimination round entries will count toward sweepstakes. The points system will be:
IEs 3-2-1 for a 1, 2 or 3 rank in preliminary rounds
1 for all semifinalists
6-5-4-3-2-1 for 1st through 6th or 7th in finals
Fees and Judging
The tournament fees schedule is as follows—assessed for each tournament:
IE entries (including duos) $ 6.00
Uncovered IE entries $ 10.00 plus entry fee
Changes at registration $ 25.00 per change
Dropped judge after Thursday, December 2nd $100.00 per judge
One individual events judge will cover ten entries.
Entry Deadlines and Instructions
This year’s Gateway Swing is using the tournament entry services at www.forensictournament.net. The invitation, tournament notes, and tournament entry are all located at this site. Search for Webster University Gateway Swing. Schools not using this service in the past will need to enter a roster of students and judges prior to entering the tournament. This site will also allow schools to view the entire tournament entry. All schools must submit entries on www.forensictournament.net. Entries will not be accepted in any other form.
Fees are assessed at 6:00 pm CST, Wednesday December 1st. Direct questions to Gina Jensen at jensen@webster.edu or 314-968-7164.
Individual Events Notes
All 11 AFA-NIET events will be offered in two flights.
Flight A—dramatic, extemp, persuasive, poi, prose
Flight B—after-dinner, communication analysis, duo, impromptu, informative, poetry
AFA rules will be followed for all events. Students should not enter material that has been used in competition before September 1, 2021.
Extemp topics will be taken from socio-political, international, and economic areas. Each round will be one of these three. In the instance that the tournament holds semifinals, final round topics will be editorial cartoons. For extemp draw, we allow electronic sources and the internet. Wifi is allowed. We will provide a guest access code.
Students in impromptu will have a choice of two topics that will vary by round and section. Topics will be selected from philosophical quotations and song lyrics.
Individual event competitors may enter up to three events per flight. We are, however, committed to running a tournament that stays on time. Critics will be instructed to not wait beyond the allotted ending time for each round. A student may enter only two duos with different partners. We will make efforts to accommodate multiple entered students in flight A with early speaking positions in extemp.
Elimination Rounds
Semi-finals will be held in all events with 50 or more entries. Semi-final round brackets will be seeded into unbroken brackets. Final place finishes will be determined based on (1) majority of 1's, (2) ranks, (3) judges' preference, (4) points, and (5) seedings.
In at attempt to reward diversity in competitive excellence, students must enter a minimum of four events and compete in public address, limited preparation, and interpretation events to be eligible for quadrathon. A student’s best four events will count toward this award.
Novice Awards
The top novice in each event will be given a special award. To be eligible, the student should be in his/her first collegiate year in the appropriate genre of event (public address, interpretation, or limited preparation).
IMPORTANT IE JUDGING NOTE: In addition to the obligation of the final round in each flight, all judges are obligated for any semifinal rounds in either flight regardless of whether or not they are used in or qualify students for semi-final rounds.
Breaking Brackets
The tournament will not break brackets for elimination rounds.
Sexual Harassment
The tournament will adhere to the Pi Kappa Delta Statement on Discrimination. Please report any incidents to the tournament director immediately.
C. Thomas Preston Jr Study Break Debate Tournament—Saturday
A separate parliamentary debate tournament is being held Saturday. This is a four round/one final round tournament with a novice division for “pure” novices and a junior division for “experienced” novices and less experienced juniors. It is not part of the Gateway Swing, but information is available on forensictournament.net.
Masks and Vaccinations
We ask that everyone wear a mask while on campus. Speakers will be allowed to remove their mask when speaking but are asked to put it back on when they finish. We encourage all in attendance to be vaccinated. Please inform the tournament director if you or anyone on your team comes down with covid during or immediately after the tournament.