Welcome to the home page for the 2022 Crystal Clear Forensics Reception tournament hosted by McHenry County College on Oct 15, 2022 for College students.
Status: Tournament Completed
Dear Forensics Friends,
MCC is pleased to invite you to the Crystal Clear Forensics Reception on October 14, 2023. In the interest of expanding access to ballots, we plan to offer 3 rounds of competition and announce awards based on lowest cumulative scores. *
In this novice (first 3 years of competition) tournament, 12 events are offered that (except for Interviewing *) follow Phi Rho Pi guidelines: www.phirhopi.org. There will be a free pizza lunch. If there are dietary restrictions, please let me know ASAP and I will try to accommodate.
We will be using electronic ballots and judges are responsible for bringing a laptop/tablet device to complete ballots.
We look forward to seeing you in October!
Bonnie Gabel Sarah Metivier Schadt
Director of Forensics Assistant Coach
(Office) 815-455-8684
(Cell) 847-877-2784
*If there is a judge shortage, we will revert to the 2 prelim/1 final format
*Event description below
8:00-8:30 Registration and Breakfast (A208)
8:45 Round 1 of Group A (Duo, Imp, Info, DI, POI, Pers,)
10:00 Round 2 of Group A
11:15 Round 3 of Group A
12:30 Pizza Lunch (provided)
1:00 Extemp Draw A210A
1:15 Round 1 of Group B (Extemp, CA, POE, Prose, STE, Interviewing*)
2:15 Extemp Draw A210A
2:30 Round 2 of Group B
3:30 Extemp Draw A210A
3:45 Round 3 of Group B
ASAP Awards
* Description of Interviewing Event:
Each contestant will be interviewed for a hypothetical position as an intern at a Chicago Speakers Bureau. This intern position involves supporting members of the speaker relations team, by:
· Assisting in identifying trending topics
· Conducting research on topics
· Giving presentations to train internal staff on speaker topics
In round 1, the contestant will be asked general employment questions by an interviewer from Human Resources. In round 2, the contestant will be interviewed by a Manager about their research and presentation skills. In the third/final round, the contestant will be interviewed by one or more members of the staff they would be working with at the bureau. Contestants will be given the opportunity to ask at least one question in the interview. Time limit: Each contestant will be interviewed for 7-10 minutes.
This simple resume template must be filled out prior to registration, here is the link:
Then, coaches will upload resumes in the shared folder in Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w_ikg8TA1KD8tRCeLkgH7Mhf9czZH_ET?usp=sharing
Enter through the A bldg. atrium, registration will be in front of A208 Map
Each school may enter up to six slots per event. Each student may enter up to three per group. The deadline for receiving entries is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10th. Drops (without penalty) are due by 3pm on Thursday, October 12th.
Fees & Judges
Entry fees are $10 per slot. A limited number of hired judges are available for $15 per uncovered slot. A drop fee of $10 per slot will be assessed for each drop after 3 pm Wednesday, October 13th. Drops at registration will result in a $25 drop fee and a dropped judge will result in a $50 fee. Each school should provide one judge for every six slots. Make checks payable to McHenry County College/Forensics.
In the event of a three-round preliminary/no final, awards will be based on most points from those rounds. The top six contestants in each event will be announced at awards as finalists and will be ranked (6th place – 1st) in order of highest to lowest cumulative scores. In case of ties, contestants ranked below 6th place will receive a medal marked “Finalist” for that event (ties among the top six will be broken on judge’s preference). Sweepstakes trophies will be awarded to the top five schools based on finalists' scores. A first-place ranking will earn 12 points, second will earn 10 points, third will earn 8 points, fourth will earn 6 points, fifth will earn 4 points, and sixth will earn 2 points (anything past 6th will receive 1 point). MCC students will be entered in the competition and are eligible to place in individual events/sweepstakes but not team sweepstakes.