E. Championship Parli Event Prompts
Round 1 - 4:45 pm
Speaker 1
CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli - Round 1:
Resolved: The United Nations should abolish veto power in the Security Council.
Resolved: This House would grant the District of Columbia State status.
Value: On balance, violent resistance is better than peaceful protest.
Value: In a democracy, bipartisanship is more important than ideological loyalty.
Fact: Nationalism is the greatest threat facing Western Democracy.
Round 2 - 6:15 pm
Speaker 1
CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli - Round 2:
Resolved: This House would ban TikTok from the public marketplace.
Resolved: This House would recognize independence from the United Kingdom.
Value: Performative activism is more valuable than neglectful passion.
Value: A benevolent dictatorship is better than a partisan democracy.
Fact: Nuclear power is the future of energy.
Round 3 - 11:30 am
Speaker 1
CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli - Round 3:
Resolved: This House would abolish the Senate filibuster.
Resolved: This House would expand the Supreme Court.
Value: Development of military A.I does more harm than good.
Value: Vaccine mandates do more good than harm.
Fact: Social Media has improved the human condition.
Round 4 - 4:30 pm
Speaker 1
CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli - Round 4:
Resolved: This House should pursue nuclear disarmament.
Resolved: This House would grant the Democratic nomination to Gavin Newsom.
Value: Legislative term limits do more harm than good.
Value: When in conflict, politicians ought to value national interest over constituent interest.
Fact: The United States is no longer the sole superpower.
Round 5 - 8:00 am
Speaker 1
CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli - Round 5:
Resolved: This House would forgive all student debt.
Resolved: This House would expand NATO membership.
Value: Academically speaking, homeschooling does more harm than good.
Value: NATO does more harm than good.
Fact: The U.S Supreme Court is too powerful.
Round 6 - 11:45 am
Speaker 1
CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli - Round 6:
Resolved: This House would end its support for the Ukraine war.
Resolved: The USFG will pledge to militarily defend Taiwan if China invades.
Value: Individual freedom of speech is less valuable than community morals.
Value: Protecting public safety is more important than the right to own guns.
Fact: Joe Biden will be the democratic nominee in 2024.
Elim 1 - 3:30 pm
Speaker 1
CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli Bronze Round!
Resolved: The Federal Reserve should be abolished.
Resolved: This House would recognize a Palestinian State.
Value: Graduate school entry exams do more good than harm.
Value: Global military intervention is more effective than diplomacy.
Fact: The American Experiment has failed.
Elim 2 - 9:45 am
Speaker 1
DO NOT SHOW TOPICS TO STUDENTS UNTIL COIN FLIPS (IF INDICATED) HAVE OCCURED!!!! CCCFA 2023 State Champs Parli GOLD 1. Resolved: Iran should recommit to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. 2. Resolved: The United States should convene a Constitutional Convention. 3. Value: When in conflict, ending a war is more important than limiting civilian casualties. 4. Value: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has done more harm than good. 5. Fact: Harry Styles is an appropriator of queer culture.