A. Championship IPDA Event Prompts
Round 1 (CA) - 11:30 am / R1 (IPDA) - 12:00 pm
Speaker 1
Round 1: Technology
Value: Fertility planning/birth control apps do more harm than good.
Value: The internet has taught us more than schools have.
Policy: Universities should actively ban the use of ChatGPT.
Policy: We should invest in 3D printing technology in the development of construction and buildings.
Fact: Facebook is over.
Round 2 (CA) - 3:00 pm / R2 (IPDA) - 3:30 pm
Speaker 1
Round 2: Healthcare
Value: Public healthcare is preferable to private healthcare.
Value: Competition is the most effective approach for controlling prescription drug costs.
Policy: The USFG should reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug.
Policy: The USFG should permanently implement the PHE policies.
Fact: Vaccination requirements have been successful.
Round 3 (CA) - 9:45 am / R3 (IPDA) - 10:15 am
Speaker 1
Round 3: Sports
Value: Team sports are more valuable than individual sports.
Value: The greatest professional athlete of all time is _____.
Policy: Youth football should be banned.
Policy: Confirmed steroid users in sports should still be considered for the Hall of Fame.
Fact: eSports are a legitimate form of college sports.
Round 1 (Poetry) - 2:45 pm / R4 (IPDA) - 3:15 pm
Speaker 1
Round 4: Education
Value: Graduate school is more worth it than not.
Value: Attendance policies in education do more harm than good.
Policy: One should use RateMyProfessors.com when choosing classes.
Policy: K-12 Schools should implement a later start time.
Fact: The teacher shortage is the biggest threat to the future of education.
Round 2 (Poetry) - 9:30 am / R5 (IPDA) - 10:00 am
Speaker 1
Round 5: Environment
Value: We should prioritize the development of public transportation over electric cars.
Value: Lab grown meat will do more harm than good.
Policy: USFG should implement a fast-fashion tax on its consumers.
Policy: In the US, zoos should be banned.
Fact: It is too late to reverse climate change.
Round 3 (Poetry) - 1:15 pm / R6 (IPDA) - 1:45 pm
Speaker 1
Round 6: Interpersonal Communication
Value: In friendship, one should prioritize loyalty over honesty.
Value: The concept of marriage does more harm than good.
Policy: Don’t have children.
Policy: On social media, content creators profiting off of their children should be banned.
Fact: Online dating is the most effective way to meet a partner.
Finals (CA) - 6:45 pm / Elim 1 (IPDA) - 7:15 pm
Speaker 1
Bronze Round: Economy
Value: Increasing the minimum wage would do more harm than good.
Value: Tourism does more harm than good.
Policy: The USFG should ban unpaid internships.
Policy: Churches should lose their tax-exempt status.
Fact: Now is the time to invest in cryptocurrency.
Finals (Poe) - 11:15 am / Elim 2 (IPDA) - 11:45 am
Speaker 1
Gold Round: California!
Value: In California, renting is preferable to buying a home.
Value: Transferring to a UC is preferable to transferring to a CSU.
Policy: California should pass AB 935: Tobacco Sales: Phased Tobacco Ban.
Policy: California should secede from the United States.
Fact: California is too expensive.