Welcome to the home page for the 2021 James 'Al' Johnson Forensic IE Swing (Fri-Sat) tournament hosted by Colorado College on Oct 29-30, 2021 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

James ‘Al’ Johnson Memorial Invitational

October 29th-30th

Awards Link:  https://8x8.vc/Awards



IPDA Semifinalists (round at 9:30 am)

Colorado Christian University  -Emily Bergman

Colorado College - Deksyos Damtew

Colorado College – Stephen Sigman

University of Nevada -Reno – Hannah Branch



LIMITED PREP- We will be using an extemp draw room, which can be found here-https://8x8.vc/AlJohnsonEXTprepQuestions will be shared via the chat feature in the prep room. 


IPDA strikes will happen in the debate round. Topics will be posted in the debate topic link on the ballot, and they can be shared in the chat for students to conduct strikes. 


Impromptu Prompts will be shared via the chat feature in the COMPETITION room. Please tell your students to check into their impromptu room, and then wait to be excused by the judge BEFORE ENTERING THE IMPROMPTU WAIT ROOM: https://8x8.vc/AlJohnsonIMPwaitingroom Once a student is done speaking; they will then enter the waiting room and inform the next speaker that it is their turn to enter the performance room and speak. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENTS TO TIME THEMSELVES to prevent any internet connection/screen freezing issues that may occur. 



IE ENTRY UPDATE: We will not run DUO as we only have one entered. Congrats to CCU!

TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES- Should you experience technical difficulties, or have any questions, please visit the help desk, which can be found here-https://8x8.vc/AlJohnsonHelpDesk If you get kicked out due to internet issues in the middle of a student's speech, please use your best judgement regarding how to proceed. For example, if the student has only spoken for one minute, it would make sense to have them re-start. However, if the student was eight minutes into their speech, try to have them pick up near where the internet left off for the sake of time. 
JUDGE STANDBY ROOM- If you do not have a ballot assigned to you for a round, please log into the judge standby room, which can be found here- https://8x8.vc/AlJohnsonStandBy
AWARDS- The awards ceremony will take place via Zoom. Specific times will be identified as we move through the tournament. The link will be sent on Saturday afternoon!
Sarah and Jeannie

Sarah Hinkle                                                  


Tournament Director             

Office (719) 389-6509                                   

Cell (816) 645-1463


  • Tue 10/19/21 7:27 am
    Start registration (schools can begin registering competitors and judges)


Judge Philosophies