Welcome to the home page for the 2025 ARTa National Championship tournament hosted by Mt. SAC on May 3, 2025 for Various students.

Status: System shutdown (No new schools, changes, adds, or drops )

Full Invitation | ARTA 2025 Photos | Awards Slideshow | Tab Sheet

Tournament Schedule

8:00 am - Tournament Registration, Breakfast, and Photos in the 26 Quad.

8:30 am - Opening Meeting for Directors, Performers, & Judges

9:00-10:30 am - RT10 & RT25 Round 1

10:45-12:15 pm - RT10 & RT25 Round 2, SPAR Round 1

12:15-1:00 pm - Lunch provided by Mt. SAC!

1:00-2:30 pm - RT10 & RT25 Round 3, SPAR Round 2

2:30-4:00 pm - RT25 Round 4, SPAR Round 3

4:15 pm - Break Announcements (RT10, SPAR, World Premiere, Grand Finals)

4:30 pm - RT10 Final Round

5:00 pm - RT25 World Premiere Final Round, SPAR Final Round

6:30-8:30 pm - RT25 Grand Final Round

8:30 pm - Awards

WiFi Access

Coming Soon!


Pay $5 for a permit in Lot G (make sure to have your license plate number). If you've visited Mt. SAC for a tournament in the past the regular space to park is NOT available. You will now need to park on the northside of 26.


We will be providing breakfast, lunch, and light dinner with snacks and drinks!

Finals and Awards

RT25 Grand Finals, and awards will happen in 13-1700. 

Special note: We ask that you do not move technology, do not unplug laptops, and do your best to not move furniture in the classrooms. This seriously jeopardizes our ability to host events in the future!


From the Coaches of Mt. San Antonio College,

Jedi Curva and Alissa Duong (Co-Tournament Directors), Thuy Pham, Alix Lopez, and Danny Cantrell

Email acurva@mtsac.edu or alissa.duong@mtsac.edu for any questions!

Judge Interest Signups
  • interested in judging at this tournament as an unaffiliated judge?

    Signup Here