C. Open IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 - 11:00am - IPDA Strike in MU 204

  1. Speaker 1

    IPDA Round 1

    Policy: Universities should actively ban the use of ChatGPT.

    Policy The USFG should ban unpaid internships.

    Value: The internet has taught us more than schools have.

    Value: Public healthcare is preferable to private healthcare.

    Fact: Facebook.com is no longer valuable.

Round 2 - Parli (12:15pm) / IPDA 12:30pm in MU 204

  1. Speaker 1

    IPDA Round 2

    Policy: California should secede from the United States.

    Policy: The USFG should spend trillions more on healthcare.

    Value: Graduate school is more worth it than not.

    Value: Tourism does more harm than good.

    Fact: Instagram is the most influential social media platform.

Round 3 - Parli (1;45 topic) / IPDA 2:00pm strike

  1. Speaker 1

    IPDA Round 3

    Policy: The USFG should move to a completely digital currency system.

    Policy: The USFG should implement mandatory voting in national elections.

    Value: Transferring to a UC is preferable to transferring to a CSU.

    Value: This house should prioritize renewable energy development over the preservation of natural landscapes in California.

    Fact: California’s response to homelessness has been a failure.

Round 4 - 3:30pm / IPDA Strike in MU 204

  1. Speaker 1

    IPDA Round 4

    Policy: Biden should ban single use plastics

    Policy: This house should decriminalize all drugs

    Value: Thus far, AI has done more harm than good

    Value: California should prioritize mental health services and support over housing when addressing the homelessness crisis.

    Fact: The expansion of the Los Angeles Metro system has been a failure in significantly reducing traffic congestion.