A. Junior Extemporaneous Event Prompts

Round 1 - 10:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    Speaker 1:

    1. How would a government shutdown affect the 2024 Election? 

    2. Will Saudi Arabia normalize relations with Israel? 

    3. Does Donald Trump's refusal to attend Republican debates increase or decrease his popularity?

  2. Speaker 2

    Speaker 2:

    1. Can India and Canada resolve their diplomatic crisis? 

    2. Will New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez step down?

    3. How will Mitt Romney's resignation affect Republican Party policies?

  3. Speaker 3

    Speaker 3:

    1. Who won the second Republican debate? 

    2. Can Barbara Lee overcome her poll numbers to win a seat in the Senate?

    3. How will British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's economic policies further affect Conservative popularity?

  4. Speaker 4

    Speaker 4: 

    1. Will Syrian President Bashar Al Assad's attempts to recover the country's economy be successful?

    2. How will recent controversies surrounding school board decisions on LGBTQIA+ students further polarize American politics?

    3. What will be the biggest influence on voters' decisions in the 2024 election?

  5. Speaker 5

    Speaker 5: 

    1. How does France pulling out of Niger affect the aftermath of the military coup?

    2. Is the USNWR ranking for Law Schools coming to an end?

    3. Who is a more successful progressive, AOC or Katie Porter?

  6. Speaker 6

    Speaker 6:

    1. Is the Ukraine war coming to an end? 

    2. Will the RNC's requirement for candidates to support the nominee divide the Republican vote?

    3. Will California ever see a high speed railway completed?

Round 2 - 12:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Speaker 1:

    1. Is humanity going too far with its research into advanced A.I technology?

    2. What is the greatest foreign policy threat currently facing the United States?

    3. Will the success of the Hollywood Writers Strike inspire.other unions around the country?

  2. Speaker 2

    Speaker 2:

    1. Can Kevin McCarthy ever escape the influence of the far right on his leadership?

    2. Will Hakeem Jeffries lead the Democrats to a House majority in 2024?

    3. What will be Dianne Feinstein's legacy?

  3. Speaker 3

    Speaker 3:

    1. Will Bob Menendez's financial scandal affect voter confidence in the Democratic party?

    2. How big of a role will unions play in the 2024 election? 

    3. How will recent California school board decisions on LGBTQIA+ issues further polarization in California?

  4. Speaker 4

    Speaker 4: 

    1. How big of a role will the Hunter Biden investigation play in the 2024 general election? 

    2. Will recent tuition hikes by California State Universities affect their future enrollment?

    3. Are California gas prices going to decrease in the near future?

  5. Speaker 5

    Speaker 5:

    1. How does the United Nations need to change to become more effective? 

    2. Will Saudi Arabia and Iran be able to maintain diplomatic ties for the long term?

    3. What does the future look like for California Governor Gavin Newsom?

  6. Speaker 6

    Speaker 6: 

    1. Should Katie Porter quit the Senate race to preserve a democratic hold in her district? 

    2. Will Mitch McConnell resign? 

    3. Should Travis King be charged with desertion?