A. Open Extemp Speaking Event Prompts

Round 1 10:00AM

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Did the U.S. effectively respond to the attack on military personnel in Jordan?

    2. Does Florida’s attempt to ban children from social media violate the First Amendment?

    3. How will RNC cash flow problems affect its ability to contest the 2024 elections?

  2. Speaker 2

    1. Why have America’s immigration policies failed?

    2.  Has the Biden administration asked too little of Mexico?

    3. Should Sinema seek re-election?

  3. Speaker 3

    1. Have America’s schools effectively dealt with COVID-19 “learning loss”?

    2. Should Robert Kennedy, Jr. seek the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination?

    3. Is Alejandro Mayorkas becoming a political liability for the White House?

  4. Speaker 4

    1. What was the biggest mistake made in Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign?

    2. Should more U.S. states adopt wealth taxes?

    3. What should be done to stop the use of “deepfakes” in elections?

  5. Speaker 5

    1. Can President Biden politically afford to pivot to the middle on immigration?

    2. Is a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in America’s best interest?

    3. Could a bipartisan deal on immigration be brokered before the 2024 presidential election?

  6. Speaker 6

    1. Should the U.S. erect trade barriers to Chinese-produced electric vehicles?

    2. What lessons should states learn from Oregon’s attempt to decriminalize drug offenses?

    3. How will the use of artificial intelligence reshape America’s military?

  7. Speaker 7

    1. Is there a Biden doctrine for U.S. foreign policy?

    2. How will the Labor Department’s new rules affect the gig economy?

    3. Is Liz Cheney having any effect on Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy?

Round 2 11:15AM

  1. Speaker 1

    1. What is the biggest implication of growing tensions between Iran and Pakistan?

    2. Will instability in Red Sea shipping make global inflation worse?

    3. Which of Milei’s reforms would benefit Argentina the most?

  2. Speaker 2

    1. Should Germany ban the AfD?

    2. Will Rishi Sunak’s deportation plan for migrants be enacted?

    3. What is currently the biggest risk to global security?

  3. Speaker 3

    1. Will the formation of a combined Nigerian opposition party wrest power from the APC in 2027?

    2. Who is winning Sudan’s civil war?

    3. Is there a way for Israel to end its war against Hamas and claim victory without the total annihilation of the group?

  4. Speaker 4

    1. How should Mexico transition to cleaner energy sources?

    2. What role should Japan play in a future space race?

    3. Will corruption scandals bring down Gustavo Petro?

  5. Speaker 5

    1. What is to blame for Europe’s economic stagnation?

    2. How would increased defense spending affect the welfare states of Western European nations?

    3. Is Palestinian political dysfunction the biggest impediment to the creation of a Palestinian state?

  6. Speaker 6

    1. Does the European Union need to do more for Ukraine?

    2. Can China successfully bend the global order to its will in the next decade?

    3. How can Great Britain fix its housing shortage?

  7. Speaker 7

    1. Does the European Union need an army?

    2. Has Brazil effectively handled the aftermath of its January 8, 2023 protests?

    3. Does the United Kingdom need to adopt more effective knife control?

Finals 3:30PM

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Will gang violence in Latin America lead to more Bukeles?

    2. Should the U.S. federal government subsidize America’s newspaper industry?

    3. Does Nikki Haley have a path to the Republican nomination after a defeat in New Hampshire?

  2. Speaker 2

    1. How much credit does Modi deserve for India’s economic success?

    2. Which GOP presidential contender has best positioned themselves for 2028?

    3. Should banks be allowed to impose overdraft fees on customers?

  3. Speaker 3

    1. Will the next “hot” theater of global disorder unfold on the Korean Peninsula?

    2. Why has Dean Phillips’ primary challenge to President Biden failed to gain traction?

    3. Should SNAP interview requirements be abolished?

  4. Speaker 4

    1. How would the return of Donald Trump to the American presidency impact the global economy?

    2. Does Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign have an “educational divide” problem?

    3. Should U.S. military aid to Israel be contingent on a human rights report?

  5. Speaker 5

    1. Is Germany’s new set of immigration bills a victory for its immigrant community?

    2. Are celebrations about the containing of inflation premature?

    3. Should the GOP “establishment” break off and form their own political party?

  6. Speaker 6

    1. What assistance can Western nations provide to help Ecuador win its war against drug cartels?

    2. Are celebrations about the containing of inflation premature?

    3. Should the GOP “establishment” break off and form their own political party?

  7. Speaker 7

    1. Will France scuttle an EU-Mercosur trade deal?

    2. Are the EU’s climate policies leaving European farmers behind?

    3. Is President Biden’s green industrial policy a bust?

  8. Speaker 8

    1. Will the ICJ’s ruling hasten the end of Israel-Hamas War?

    2. Will the benefits of AI technology be globally shared?

    3. Should the U.S. invest more in its naval forces?