A. Open Persuasive Speaking Result Sheets (19 entries)

School Competitor Prelims Prelim Totals Elims Placing
Bowling Green State University Mr. HUB 3 -20 1 -25 4 - 45 3 -21 6 -19 2 -24 3
Bowling Green State University Elyse Adrian 3 -22 2 -23 5 - 45
Casper College Curtis Winfrey 2 -20 3 -20 5 - 40
Casper College Alex Walters 1 -25 1 -25 2 - 50 5 -18 1 -25 5 -21 4
College of Southern Idaho Shawn Dunn 5 -10 5 -21 10 - 31
Highland Community College Julia Wells 2 -24 4 -20 6 - 44
Highland Community College Leah Wilhelms 5 -18 4 -10 9 - 28
Moorpark College Jane Walgren 2 -23 3 -23 5 - 46
Moorpark College Melissa Moore 4 -20 3 -23 7 - 43
Moorpark College Ruby Snowber 3 -17 2 -24 5 - 41
Moorpark College Shahbano Raza 1 -24 1 -24 2 - 48 4 -20 4 -21 4 -22 5
Moorpark College Tascha Gurich 4 -15 1 -25 5 - 40
Moraine Valley College Itzel Rojas 5 -20 5 -9 10 - 29
Moraine Valley College Robert Murillo 1 -22 3 -22 4 - 44 2 -23 3 -22 3 -23 2
Northwest College Bailey Liebert 4 -15 5 -20 9 - 35
Northwest College Haruna Nebu 4 -21 4 -22 8 - 43
Prairie State College Suzanne Parker 3 -22 4 -22 7 - 44
Southeastern Illinois College Haley Rice 2 -23 2 -24 4 - 47 1 -25 5 -20 1 -25 1
West Chester Univesity Ryan Brady 1 -24 2 -24 3 - 48 6 -17 2 -23 6 -20 6

Prelim Tie Breakers: Ranks|Points|Firsts|Drop Low Rate|Drop High Rank

Elim Tie Breakers: Rank In Elim|Points In Elim|Judge Pref In Elim|Majority Of Firsts In Elim|Number Of Firsts In Event|Total Points In Event|Points In Prelim
