C. High School NOF Parli Event Prompts

Round 1

  1. Speaker 1

    Space exploration is worth the cost

    The electoral college does more good than harm

    Gun control laws are effective

Round 2

  1. Speaker 1

    Resolved: Economic sanctions are unjust.

    Nuclear energy is the best path forward to fight climate change

    Vigilantism is justified when the government has failed to enforce the law.

Round 3

  1. Speaker 1

    The United States should adopt a wealth tax

    The United States federal government should pass a policy that significantly limits intellectual property protections for pharmaceutical drugs in the United States.

    The United States should adopt a carbon tax

Elim 1

  1. Speaker 1

    This house would require individuals to obtain permits to wear facial veils such as the Niqab and Burqa in public institutions (e.g., public schools, government offices, public parks).

    Resolved: In a democracy, civil disobedience is morally justified.

    This house would make community college free.