C. High School SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1

  1. Speaker 1

    Street security cameras infringe on privacy rights
    The children of undocumented immigrants do not have the right to public education.
    The Falkland Islands should be a no-man’s-land (No country should claim it)

  2. Speaker 2

    Street security cameras infringe on privacy rights
    The children of undocumented immigrants do not have the right to public education.
    The Falkland Islands should be a no-man’s-land (No country should claim it)

  3. Speaker 3

    The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified
    All kids should play on the same sports teams, regardless of gender
    Prisoners have a right to privacy

  4. Speaker 4

    The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified
    All kids should play on the same sports teams, regardless of gender
    Prisoners have a right to privacy

  5. Speaker 5

    The US prison system is not effective
    Minimum wages should be raised to support cost of living
    In the US criminal justice system, truth-seeking ought to be valued above attorney-client privilege.

  6. Speaker 6

    The US prison system is not effective
    Minimum wages should be raised to support cost of living
    In the US criminal justice system, truth-seeking ought to be valued above attorney-client privilege.

Round 2

  1. Speaker 1

    People should be at least 25 before having children
    The EU should be dissolved
    An enlightened dictatorship is better than an unstable democracy.

  2. Speaker 2

    People should be at least 25 before having children
    The EU should be dissolved
    An enlightened dictatorship is better than an unstable democracy.

  3. Speaker 3

    Cultural appropriation can be good
    Drug addicts need help not punishment
    Leisure time is essential for workplace effectiveness

  4. Speaker 4

    Cultural appropriation can be good
    Drug addicts need help not punishment
    Leisure time is essential for workplace effectiveness

  5. Speaker 5

    A government has the responsibility to secure its borders.
    When in conflict, the preservation of minority cultural values ought to be valued above the preservation of a unified national culture.
    The US should subsidize farming

  6. Speaker 6

    A government has the responsibility to secure its borders.
    When in conflict, the preservation of minority cultural values ought to be valued above the preservation of a unified national culture.
    The US should subsidize farming

Round 3

  1. Speaker 1

    The government should send citizens a tax bill each year
    Vaccines should be mandatory
    The United States Senate filibuster should be eliminated.

  2. Speaker 2

    The government should send citizens a tax bill each year
    Vaccines should be mandatory
    The United States Senate filibuster should be eliminated.

  3. Speaker 3

    Public officials should be required to spend more time among their constituents
    Competition can improve the quality of healthcare services
    Street security cameras are good for society

  4. Speaker 4

    Public officials should be required to spend more time among their constituents
    Competition can improve the quality of healthcare services
    Street security cameras are good for society

  5. Speaker 5

    All schools should be privately funded
    Animals should be used for medical experiments
    Harriet Tubman should have her face on the $20 bill

  6. Speaker 6

    All schools should be privately funded
    Animals should be used for medical experiments
    Harriet Tubman should have her face on the $20 bill

Elim 1

  1. Speaker 1

    Political campaigns should not be allowed to accept money from companies
    Technological advances do more harm than good
    All people should be required to register for the selective service (draft)

  2. Speaker 2

    Political campaigns should not be allowed to accept money from companies
    Technological advances do more harm than good
    All people should be required to register for the selective service (draft)

  3. Speaker 3

    Vaccines should be required for anyone receiving Government aide
    The death penalty is a morally justified punishment.
    Public schools should teach religion

  4. Speaker 4

    Vaccines should be required for anyone receiving Government aide
    The death penalty is a morally justified punishment.
    Public schools should teach religion

  5. Speaker 5

    Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today
    The government should restrict some speech
    Doctor-assisted suicide should be allowed

  6. Speaker 6

    Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today
    The government should restrict some speech
    Doctor-assisted suicide should be allowed