D. Novice IPDA Event Prompts
8:00am PST IPDA/LD Round 1
Speaker 1
1. The race for AI is the new space race
2. The NCAA should allow players to receive compensation for athletic competition
3. The United States should recognize Palestine as a sovereign nation
4. The pen is mightier than the sword
5. When in conflict, progress should be valued over stability
9:20am PST IPDA/LD Round 2
Speaker 1
1. Gig workers should be treated as employees
2. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem
3. The United States should pass a policy to restrict annual rent increases
4. When in conflict, legislators should vote with their conscience over the will of their
5. The ends justify the means
10:50am PST IPDA/LD Round 3
Speaker 1
1. The International Olympic Committee should add E-Sports to the 2024 Olympics as an
official medal sport
2. The Affirmative is preferable to the Negative
3. The right to privacy should be ensured
4. Facebook and Twitter should be public utilities
5. Ocean exploration ought to be prioritized over space exploration
12:10pm PST IPDA/LD Round 4
Speaker 1
1. In order for democracy to thrive, free speech should be more highly valued
2. Healthcare should be a human right
3. The U.S. healthcare system is irreparably broken
4. We should tend to our own garden first
5. The United States should forgive all federal student loan debt
1:45pm PST IPDA/LD Elim 1
Speaker 1
1. The United States should end all weapons sales to Israel
2. In the United States, the bipartisan system has done more harm than good
3. The Electoral College should be abolished
4. This House would shut the door
5. It is better to be regarded as insensitive than insincere
3:05pm PST IPDA/LD Elim 2
Speaker 1
1. Cryptocurrency is the currency of the future
2. NASA ought to place a greater emphasis on SETI
3. When in conflict, social welfare ought to be valued above individual welfare
4. On balance, social media does more harm than good
5. The United States should make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for federal employees
4:25pm PST IPDA/LD Elim 3
Speaker 1
1. Online debate tournaments are preferable to in-person debate tournaments.
2. The United States federal government should pass the American Rescue Plan.
3. The Senate filibuster does more harm than good.
4. Freedom of speech is the most important First Amendment freedom.
5. The GOP's 2024 presidential nominee will be ______________________.