C. Novice IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 (IPDA) - 11:00 (Prep @ 10:30)

  1. Speaker 1

    ROUND 1:

    1. As a tool for social change, YouTube is preferable to network TV

    2. As a tool for education, TikTok is preferable to the library

    3. The USFG should impose term limits on congressional representatives

    4. The Academy Awards should remove gender associations from acting award categories

    5. ITC, the tables have turned

Round 2 (IPDA) - 12:30 (Prep @ 12:00)

  1. Speaker 1

    ROUND 2:

    1. The USFG should ban personal stock trading apps

    2. The NFL should suspend non-vaccinated players for the remainder of the 2021-22 season

    3. In terms of self-betterment, involvement in fine arts is preferable to involvement in sports

    4. A life spent in the wilderness is preferable to a life spent in the city

    5. ITC, all you need is love

Round 3 (IPDA) - 1:45 (Prep @ 1:15)

  1. Speaker 1

    ROUND 3:

    1. The USFG should invest in deep sea exploration

    2. The USFG should invest in early childhood education

    3. Dependability is preferable to spontaneity

    4. It is preferable to live in the past rather than live in the future

    5. ITC, the revolution will be televised

Round 4 (IPDA) - 3:00 (Prep @ 2:30)

  1. Speaker 1

    ROUND 4:

    1. The USFG should erase all medical debt

    2. Black Friday is preferable to Cyber Monday

    3. The Television and Film industry should reform its safety protocols

    4. Debate is preferable to discussion

    5. ITC, laughter is the best medicine

Semifinal (IPDA) - 4:30 (Prep @ 4:00)

  1. Speaker 1


    1. The USFG should establish free housing for the homeless

    2. Biased news is preferable to no news

    3. Idealism is preferable to pragmatism

    4. The USFG should substantially increase ties with Latin American nations

    5. ITC, the veil has been lifted

Final (IPDA) - 5:45 (Prep @ 5:15)

  1. Speaker 1


    1. The USFG should substantially increase regulations on Amazon

    2. The USFG should substantially increase regulations on Meta

    3. The scenic route is preferable to the shortcut

    4. Infotainment is preferable to entertainment

    5. ITC, the clock has struck midnight