A. Junior Varsity IPDA - Sat 2/24 Pattern A Round 2B - 1:45pm

Affirmative Negative Room Judge
University of Central Arkansas Liz Roa Abilene Christian University Hailey Pasley HH 201 1. Beverly Pop - SMU
ZZ-BYE Abilene Christian University Wes Orr ROOM TBA 1. ZZ-BYE
Southern Methodist University Matthew Garcia University of Central Arkansas Michael Isaac CLC 316 1. Catherine Dixon - DBU
University of Arkansas Aubree Watkins (She/Her) Abilene Christian University Matheo Vergara (he/him) CLC 313 1. Ben Voth - SMU
Dallas Baptist University Todd Roskop Oral Roberts University Anthony Cotton CLC 251 1. Jack Van Dyke (He/They) - UARK
Dallas Baptist University Sophia Hathcock Oral Roberts University Valarie Duncan ROB 103 1. Lily Coats - MSU
Abilene Christian University Jackie Garcia Torres University of Arkansas Benjamin Shoptaw (He/Him) CLC 005B 1. Holden Hargrave - UACCB
Southern Methodist University Vaughn Androlowicz Abilene Christian University Stephanie Newberry CLC 012 1. Matthew Cook (He/Him) - UARK