D. Open IPDA Event Prompts

IPDA Round 1 - 10:00

  1. Speaker 1

    1. America should pledge to defend Taiwan
    2. USFG should provide tuition-free public college for all
    3. Medicare for all would do more harm than good
    4. Leaving Afghanistan was a mistake
    5. This house would kick it up a notch

IPDA Round 2 - 11:30

  1. Speaker 1

    1. California should provide vocational education classes in high school

    2. USFG should allow the drinking age to be lowered to 18

    3. American military intervention has done more harm than good

    4. Socialism would be a better system for America than Capitalism

    5. This house would fade to black

IPDA Round 3 - 1:20

  1. Speaker 1

    1. The U.S. Federal Government should increase development of nuclear power for electricity

    2. USFG should pass a Cap and Trade policy for CO2 emissions

    3. Forgiving student debt would be beneficial to the US

    4. Cancel culture does more harm than good

    5. This house believes the Grinch will steal Christmas

IPDA Round 4 - 3:00

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Standardized test in high school should be ended

    2. USFG should pass the JUSTICE Act

    3. Sanctuary Cities are beneficial to all Americans

    4. Covid-19 has been worse for America than 9/11

    5. This house would open happiness

IPDA Elim 1 - 4:40

  1. Speaker 1

    1. USFG should abolish solitary confinement as a punishment in prison
    2. USFG should pass Build Back Better
    3. Critical Race Theory is detrimental to education
    4. Rejoining the JCPOA would do more harm than good
    5. This house would jump on the bandwagon

IPDA Elim 2 - 6:20

  1. Speaker 1

    1. USFG should delink the infrastructure bill from Build Back Better
    2. USFG should expand charter schools
    3. The national debt is a looming crisis
    4. Launching World War Zero is desirable
    5. This house would take off the mask