D. Elementary SPAR Event Prompts
Round 1
Speaker 1
There should be more punishments for bad behavior.
School uniforms should be required
Google is better than YouTubeSpeaker 2
There should be more punishments for bad behavior.
School uniforms should be required
Google is better than YouTubeSpeaker 3
The school day should be shorter
Androids are better than iPhones
Everyone should grow at least some of their own foodSpeaker 4
The school day should be shorter
Androids are better than iPhones
Everyone should grow at least some of their own foodSpeaker 5
Children should be given more choice on what they eat for dinner
Daydreaming is better than night dreaming.
Being cold is better than being hotSpeaker 6
Children should be given more choice on what they eat for dinner
Daydreaming is better than night dreaming.
Being cold is better than being hotSpeaker 7
Math should not be a required subject
Knowing how to ride a bike is more useful than knowing how to swim
Being short is better than being tall
Speaker 8
Math should not be a required subject
Knowing how to ride a bike is more useful than knowing how to swim
Being short is better than being tall
Round 2
Speaker 1
Sports are better for students than learning musical instruments
Earthquakes Are More Dangerous Than Hurricanes
It would be better to live under the sea than in space.Speaker 2
Sports are better for students than learning musical instruments
Earthquakes Are More Dangerous Than Hurricanes
It would be better to live under the sea than in space.Speaker 3
Clowns are more scary than funny
School is the biggest source of stress for kids.
Animals should not be kept in zoosSpeaker 4
Clowns are more scary than funny
School is the biggest source of stress for kids.
Animals should not be kept in zoosSpeaker 5
School should provide laptops to all students
Green apples are better than all other apples
History is an important subject that all students should learnSpeaker 6
School should provide laptops to all students
Green apples are better than all other apples
History is an important subject that all students should learnSpeaker 7
Peanut Butter is better than Jelly
Typing classes should be required in school
Going out is more fun than staying at home.
Speaker 8
Peanut Butter is better than Jelly
Typing classes should be required in school
Going out is more fun than staying at home.
Round 3
Speaker 1
All kids should have a playground or park close enough to their house to walk to
Everyone is unique
Writing notes by hand is better than writing them on a computerSpeaker 2
All kids should have a playground or park close enough to their house to walk to
Everyone is unique
Writing notes by hand is better than writing them on a computerSpeaker 3
French fries are better than mozzarella sticks
Doctor visits should be free
Self-defense should be taught as a PE classSpeaker 4
French fries are better than mozzarella sticks
Doctor visits should be free
Self-defense should be taught as a PE classSpeaker 5
Recess should be longer.
Christmas is the best holiday
Halloween should be an official school holidaySpeaker 6
Recess should be longer.
Christmas is the best holiday
Halloween should be an official school holidaySpeaker 7
Exploring the ocean is better than exploring space
Homework should not be given until 6th grade
Dinosaurs are better than Dragons
Speaker 8
Exploring the ocean is better than exploring space
Homework should not be given until 6th grade
Dinosaurs are better than Dragons
Elim 1
Speaker 1
Parents should be allowed to read their children’s private diaries
Gossip is helpful
Minecraft is better than fortniteSpeaker 2
Parents should be allowed to read their children’s private diaries
Gossip is helpful
Minecraft is better than fortniteSpeaker 3
It's better to be a sidekick than a hero
All classes should have flexible seating
Reading is better than watching TVSpeaker 4
It's better to be a sidekick than a hero
All classes should have flexible seating
Reading is better than watching TVSpeaker 5
Bacon does not belong on burgers
Skateboarding should be allowed on school grounds
Vegetables are better than fruitSpeaker 6
Bacon does not belong on burgers
Skateboarding should be allowed on school grounds
Vegetables are better than fruit