C. High School SPAR Event Prompts
Round 1 - 10:00am
Speaker 1
Dictators should be deposed by the democratic nations of the world.
Tourism does more harm than good
Teenage girls should have access to birth control without parental supervisionSpeaker 2
Dictators should be deposed by the democratic nations of the world.
Tourism does more harm than good
Teenage girls should have access to birth control without parental supervisionSpeaker 3
Military conscription is unjust.
Social media apps should eliminate minimum age requirements
Donald Trump should be allowed on TwitterSpeaker 4
Military conscription is unjust.
Social media apps should eliminate minimum age requirements
Donald Trump should be allowed on TwitterSpeaker 5
People should take a sex ed class before they can date
Limiting terms for US senators and representatives brings more harm than good
Space exploration should only be funded by private companiesSpeaker 6
People should take a sex ed class before they can date
Limiting terms for US senators and representatives brings more harm than good
Space exploration should only be funded by private companies
Round 2 - 11:45am
Speaker 1
China should pay Korea for the damage done by the fine dust from their factories
When in conflict, governments ought to value civil liberties over national security.
Space exploration is good for international relationsSpeaker 2
China should pay Korea for the damage done by the fine dust from their factories
When in conflict, governments ought to value civil liberties over national security.
Space exploration is good for international relationsSpeaker 3
In a democracy, civil disobedience is morally justified.
Modern patterns of incarceration contribute to racial inequality in the US
Schools should be allowed to test students for drugsSpeaker 4
In a democracy, civil disobedience is morally justified.
Modern patterns of incarceration contribute to racial inequality in the US
Schools should be allowed to test students for drugsSpeaker 5
The credit industry promotes economic development
Math has helped humans advance more than literature
It is better that nations are isolated from the affairs of other nations.Speaker 6
The credit industry promotes economic development
Math has helped humans advance more than literature
It is better that nations are isolated from the affairs of other nations.
Round 3 - 1:15pm
Speaker 1
People should be allowed to edit their own genes
Social media risks should be taught in school
China should remove its factories on its East CoastSpeaker 2
People should be allowed to edit their own genes
Social media risks should be taught in school
China should remove its factories on its East CoastSpeaker 3
Solar energy should replace all traditional forms of energy
Parents should control their children's medical decisions until adulthood
Sports coaches should be paid as much as teachers.Speaker 4
Solar energy should replace all traditional forms of energy
Parents should control their children's medical decisions until adulthood
Sports coaches should be paid as much as teachers.Speaker 5
Contemporary policing of marginalized communities in the United States contributes to the criminalization of youth
All teenagers should be required to get after-school jobs
Humans have little effect on climate changeSpeaker 6
Contemporary policing of marginalized communities in the United States contributes to the criminalization of youth
All teenagers should be required to get after-school jobs
Humans have little effect on climate change