A. Novice Impromptu Event Prompts

Round 1 9:00 -10:00 AM PST

  1. Speaker 1

    “No.” -Rosa Parks 


    “A democracy cannot thrive where power remains unchecked and justice is reserved for a select few.” -John Lewis


    “If one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country [...] One goes to the unprotected” - James Baldwin

  2. Speaker 2

    You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.”- Rosa Parks


    “When I liberate myself, I liberate others. If you don’t speak out nobody going to speak out for you.” -Fannie Lou Hamer


    “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality.” -Malcolm X


  3. Speaker 3

    “The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind” - Maya Angelou


    “If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.” -Toni Morrison


    “Don’t agonize, organize.” -Florynce Kennedy



  4. Speaker 4

    “Women's rights is not only an abstraction, a cause; it is also a personal affair. It is not only about us; it is also about me and you. Just the two of us.” - Toni Morrison


    “The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression.” -W.E.B. Du Bois


    “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” -Fredrick Douglass

  5. Speaker 5

    “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.” -Malcom X


    “Freedom is never given; it is won.” -A. Philip Randolph


    “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. 

  6. Speaker 6

    “Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo — obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other”- Angela Davis


    “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” -Fredrick Douglass


    “Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.” -Coretta Scott King

  7. Speaker 7

    “You cannot separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” -Malcolm X


    “The only bad thing about burning your bridges behind you is that the world is round.” -Ruby Bridges


    “I’ve learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear.” -Rosa Parks

Round 2 1:00-2:00 PM PST

  1. Speaker 1

    “I just make it my business to get along with people so I can have fun. It’s that simple.” -Betty White 


    “If you’re sitting on the ground in a hammock, it’s technically still hammocking.” -N.W.


    “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” -Audre Lorde

  2. Speaker 2

    “Men should be like Kleenex: Soft, strong, and disposable” -Cher 


    “I raise my voice–not so that I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard.” -Malala Yousafzai


    At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” Frida Kahlo


  3. Speaker 3

    “I don’t mind living in a man’s world. As long as I can be a woman in it” -Marilyn Monroe


    “What we do is more important than what we say or what we believe.” - bell hooks


    “The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity.” -Amelia Earhart

  4. Speaker 4

    “I have burst of being a lady, but it doesn’t last long” -Shelly Winters 


    “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” -Indrina Gandhi


    “I think we should stop asking people in their twenties what they ‘want to do’ and start asking them what they don’t want to do.” -Amy Poehler

  5. Speaker 5

    “I will not retire while I still have legs and my makeup box” -Bette Davis 


    “In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued” -Aung San Suu Kyi


    “The greatest danger to our future is apathy.” -Jane Goodall

  6. Speaker 6

    “Your willingness to look at your darkness is what empowers you to change.” -Iyanla Vanzant


    “I never doubted that equal rights was the right direction. Most reforms, most problems are complicated. But to me there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality."- Alice Paul 


    “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

  7. Speaker 7

    “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” -Maya Angelou


    “Whether we’re talking about race or gender or class, popular culture is where pedegogy is, it’s wehre the learning is.” -Bell Hooks


    “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Finals - ASAP

  1. Speaker 1

    “I don’t have a sugar daddy. I’ve never had a sugar daddy. If I wanted a sugar daddy, yes, I could probably go out and get one because I am what? Sickening!”- Shangela


    “Choices.” –Tatiana


    “Unless they’re paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind.” -RuPaul

  2. Speaker 2

    “I don't get ready. I stay ready.” -Chi Chi Levaine

    “And anything else was just water off a duck's back.” - Jinx Monsoon

    “The biggest obstacle I’ve ever faced was my own limited perception of myself” -RuPaul

  3. Speaker 3

    “Not today, Satan. Not today.” –Bianca Del Rio


    “I don’t get cute, I get drop-dead gorgeous.” -Alyssa Edwards


    “I feel like you’re being sabotaged by your inner saboteur.” - RuPaul


  4. Speaker 4

    “I feel sexy in anything, even a bodybag.” –Sharon Needles

    “These other girls are gonna say you have terrible makeup skills, you have no fashion sense, and you’re dumb as a rock. But they’re wrong! You don’t have terrible makeup skills.” -Alaska Thunderfuck

    “We’re all born naked and the rest is drag” -RuPaul

  5. Speaker 5

    “Walk into the room purse first”- Bob the Drag Queen

    "I've got all the same parts that you do, boo" - Tatiana

    “By the power vested in me…by me…” –RuPaul

  6. Speaker 6

    “Don’t get bitter, Just get better” -Alyssa Edwards

    “You hungry, mama?” -Jimbo the Drag Clown 

    “Fulfillment isn’t over the rainbow. It is right here and now” -Rupaul

  7. Speaker 7

    “ I would sensually walk over to the thermostat and turn up the thermostat to a sensible 74 degrees” - Jujubee

    “Backrolls?” -Alyssa Edwards


    “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” -RuPaul