D. Open IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 - 10:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    The October Surprise 2020 - IPDA Round 1 - Topics: Political Discourse 

    1. Black Lives Matter is the most critical issue in American political discourse today. 

    2. Immigration is the most critical issue in American political discourse today. 

    3. Voter suppression is the most critical issue in American political discourse today. 

    4. Gerrymandering is the most critical issue in American political discourse today. 

    5. The Homelessness crisis is the most critical issue in American political discourse today.

Round 2 - 11:30 am

  1. Speaker 1

    The October Surprise 2020 - IPDA Round 2 - Topics: K-12 Education   

    1. American Sign Language should be mandatory in K-12 education. 

    2. Mental Health courses should be mandatory in K-12 education. 

    3. Sustainable living courses should be mandatory in K-12 education. 

    4. Human Rights courses should be mandatory in K-12 education. 

    5. Financial Literacy courses should be mandatory in K-12 education.

Round 3 - 1:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    The October Surprise 2020 - IPDA Round 3 - Topics: Indigenous Peoples’ Proverbs

    1. Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. --Hopi 

    2. When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us. --Arapaho 

    3. Poverty is a noose that strangles humility and breeds disrespect for god and man. --Sioux

    4. Cherish youth, but trust old age. --Pueblo 

    5. Force, not matter how concealed, begets resistance. --Lakota

Round 4 - 2:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    The October Surprise 2020 - IPDA Round 4 - Topics: LGBTQ+ issues 

    ***We understand the controversial nature of non-LGBTQ+ identified individuals speaking for these communities. However, the goal of this round is to encourage discourse surrounding issues rarely discussed in debate***

    1. J.K. Rowling, the transphobe, is canceled. 

    2. Conversion therapy is the worst issue facing LGBTQ+ communities. 

    3. Housing Discrimination is the worst issue facing LGBTQ+ communities. 

    4. Employment Discrimination is the worst issue facing LGBTQ+ communities. 

    5. Healthcare inequality is the worst issue facing LGBTQ+ communities.

Elim 1 - 4:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    The October Surprise 2020 - IPDA Elim 1 - Topics: Offensive Halloween Costumes 

    1. Blackface is the most offensive Halloween costume of all time. 

    2. Sexy Handmaid (Handmaid’s Tale) is the most offensive Halloween costume of all time. 

    3. Pocahontas, or any Native American/Indigenous costume, is the most offensive Halloween costume of all time. 

    4. Child Holocaust Victim is the most offensive Halloween costume of all time. 

    5. Body shaming costumes are the most offensive Halloween costumes of all time.

Elim 2 - 6:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    The October Surprise 2020 - IPDA Elim 2 - Topics: The Presidential Cabinet 

    1. If elected President, Joe Biden should nominate__________as the next Secretary of Education.

    2. If re-elected, Donald Trump should nominate ___________as the next Secretary of State. 

    3. If elected President, Joe Biden should nominate__________as the next Secretary of Defense.

    4. If re-elected, Donald Trump should nominate ___________as the next Secretary of Energy. 

    5. Kanye West for Secretary of ___________ (Presidential Cabinet) 2020.