Judge Philosophies

Aarav Pinge - BWS


Amanda Ta - Tourn Judges


Aylmer Asuncion - Velasquez Academy


Brian Ta - Tourn Judges


Carlos Bonilla - Tourn Judges


Christina Feng - Kudos Leadership

Isaiah Salgado - Kudos Leadership


Jaysyn Green - Kudos Leadership


Johnny Tapia - Tourn Judges


Kino Farr - Kudos Leadership

Hello! Some background on me: My name is Kino Farr, and I am a UC Berkeley student majoring in Rhetoric. I did speech & debate for 6 years before transferring to university, so I'm an experienced judge, don't worry.

Onto my paradigm:

Keep the debate theory out of this - I know how it works, but I focus on points and flow.

Enjoy yourself - I want to see that you're having a good time, otherwise, it's no fun for anybody. I want everybody to have a good time, so just take a deep breath and relax your shoulders before you speak. It'll be okay and you'll do great.

I think that's it? Cool

Lesly De Anda - Kudos Leadership


Mailey Barbachan - Tourn Judges


Manny Forde - Kudos Leadership


Marcos Santos - Tourn Judges


Melissa Vega - Tourn Judges


Orion Campos - Kudos Leadership


Paat Rusmevichientong - Nova 42


Sebastian Caron - BWS

Add me to the email chain- scaron2027@bwscampus.com

About me:

I am currently an LD debater for Brentwood's High school team. I have qualified for and competed at NSDA Nationals (in one of the most competitive regions). I do not currently compete in PF, but I did PF for half of my freshman year and did 3 Years of Parli. I also have extensive experience in Model UN where I have competed for the past 4 years and participated at/won at over 24 tournaments across the globe.



---------I'm a progressive judge; do whatever you want; just be respectful----

-I'm not new to debate: I won't be voting off the last speech but the big picture of the round (who has the most positive impacts).

-Weighing is very important (Value/VC) - why should I vote under your fwk? and if so why do you win under it? What is an AFF and NEG world?

-please have claim -> warrant -> impact for your evidence (I understand paraphrasing is the norm for PF, but a warrant is still necessary)

-I lean truth > tech, but I can be swayed under the right circumstances

-theory is ok, but not preferred


- I have a lot of experience in international relations, public speaking, politics, etc. (Via Model UN and Political internships)

- I have not competed in Congress, but I have competed in similar events (congress simulations, crisis committees, etc.).

- explain things if there are intensive terms that I might not fully understand

- just have fun and be respectful

Serena Yeager - Tourn Judges


Shara Umandal - Kudos Leadership
