A. Open SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1 - 4:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    All parks should have playgrounds
    An educational qualification for voting should be universally required throughout the United States.
    Swimming in a pool is better than swimming in an ocean

  2. Speaker 2

    All parks should have playgrounds
    An educational qualification for voting should be universally required throughout the United States.
    Swimming in a pool is better than swimming in an ocean

  3. Speaker 3

    Flowers make a better get well gift than balloons
    Parents should be required to take their sick children to the hospital
    All middle school students should learn a foreign language

  4. Speaker 4

    Flowers make a better get well gift than balloons
    Parents should be required to take their sick children to the hospital
    All middle school students should learn a foreign language

  5. Speaker 5

    Daylight savings time should be abolished
    Playing team sports is better for kids than playing individual sports
    The federal government should fund a national Wifi

  6. Speaker 6

    Daylight savings time should be abolished
    Playing team sports is better for kids than playing individual sports
    The federal government should fund a national Wifi

Round 2 - 5:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Daily household chores are important for kids
    Girl scouts should be paid for selling cookies
    Music with explicit lyrics should be played on the radio without censoring the words

  2. Speaker 2

    Daily household chores are important for kids
    Girl scouts should be paid for selling cookies
    Music with explicit lyrics should be played on the radio without censoring the words

  3. Speaker 3

    Pepperoni is the best pizza topping
    Rated R movies are inappropriate for middle school students
    Horses are better than Dogs

  4. Speaker 4

    Pepperoni is the best pizza topping
    Rated R movies are inappropriate for middle school students
    Horses are better than Dogs

  5. Speaker 5

    Bed sheets are not necessary
    Schools should have dress codes for makeup
    Everyone has biases

  6. Speaker 6

    Bed sheets are not necessary
    Schools should have dress codes for makeup
    Everyone has biases

Round 3

  1. Speaker 1

    Celebrity gossip has a detrimental impact on societal values.
    Electronic databases should replace all physical libraries
    Single-use plastic bags should be banned

  2. Speaker 2

    Celebrity gossip has a detrimental impact on societal values.
    Electronic databases should replace all physical libraries
    Single-use plastic bags should be banned

  3. Speaker 3

    The myth of Santa Claus is beneficial to children.
    Animal testing is an ethical means of advancing medical research.
    Schools should ban the playing of tackle football because it is too dangerous.

  4. Speaker 4

    The myth of Santa Claus is beneficial to children.
    Animal testing is an ethical means of advancing medical research.
    Schools should ban the playing of tackle football because it is too dangerous.

  5. Speaker 5

    Galaxy buds are better than AirPods
    Schools should have surveillance cameras in classrooms.
    You need to experience sadness to experience happiness

  6. Speaker 6

    Galaxy buds are better than AirPods
    Schools should have surveillance cameras in classrooms.
    You need to experience sadness to experience happiness


  1. Speaker 1

    There is intelligent life on other planets.
    Technology makes us more alone.
    There is no such thing as a just war

  2. Speaker 2

    There is intelligent life on other planets.
    Technology makes us more alone.
    There is no such thing as a just war

  3. Speaker 3

    Animals should not be used for human entertainment
    Electronic toys are better than traditional toys
    Deciding not to have children is a valid choice in contemporary society.

  4. Speaker 4

    Animals should not be used for human entertainment
    Electronic toys are better than traditional toys
    Deciding not to have children is a valid choice in contemporary society.

  5. Speaker 5

    Effort is more important than smarts
    All students should be required to take a shop or practical arts class
    Learning information from books is better than learning from the internet

  6. Speaker 6

    Effort is more important than smarts
    All students should be required to take a shop or practical arts class
    Learning information from books is better than learning from the internet

  7. Speaker 7

    Robots will eventually replace most human jobs.

    Listening to music while studying helps you focus.

    Owning a house is better than renting.

  8. Speaker 8

    Robots will eventually replace most human jobs.

    Listening to music while studying helps you focus.

    Owning a house is better than renting.