C. Debate IPDA Event Prompts
Round 1 11:30am
Speaker 1
The USFG should grant statehood to Puerto Rico.
Presidential election day should be a federal holiday.
Offering a high school vocational education track would be desirable.
Financial responsibility ought to be taught in schools.
Rose is preferred over Blanche
Round 2C 1:00pm
Speaker 1
The US Postal Service should shut its doors.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences should reverse its inclusion standards for its best picture category.
Cancel culture is beneficial.
Telephone landlines have outlived their usefulness.
2021 dropped the ball.
Round 3C 2:15pm
Speaker 1
Party identification should be removed from ballots.
The United States federal government should establish an ocean policy substantially increasing protection of marine natural resources.
Starting high school an hour later is feasible.
American military intervention has been beneficial.
The Grinch did indeed steal Christmas.
Round 4 C 3:45pm
Speaker 1
USFG should provide free community college.
USFG should reform the U.S Supreme Court.
Allowing homeless camping in public places does more harm than good.
The national debt is a looming crisis.There is a Baby New Year
Bronze Round C 5:45pm
Speaker 1
All states should ban riding a motorcycle without a helmet.
The United States Federal Government shall require one year of mental health classes for high school graduation.
IPDA is looking too much like Parli.
Term limits on the Supreme Court would be beneficial.
Old acquaintances should be forgot.
Gold Round C 7:15pm
Speaker 1
The filibuster should be abolished.
This house should significantly reform the WWE.
Instagram poses a significant threat to users.
Tic Toc causes more harm than good.
We don’t need another partridge in a pear tree.