A. Professional Spontaneous Debate Event Prompts

Round 1 - 9:00AM

  1. Speaker 1

    Set 1:

    • The internet should be regulated as a public utility.
    • Super strength is a preferable power to flight.
    • The use of technology in the classroom will cause more harm than good.
  2. Speaker 2

    Set 1:

    • The internet should be regulated as a public utility.
    • Super strength is a preferable power to flight.
    • The use of technology in the classroom will cause more harm than good.
  3. Speaker 3

    Set 2:

    • Schools should prioritize investing in the arts over investing in athletics.
    • Nuclear is a preferable energy source to solar.
    • Robin Hood was a hero, not a thief.
  4. Speaker 4

    Set 2:

    • Schools should prioritize investing in the arts over investing in athletics.
    • Nuclear is a preferable energy source to solar.
    • Robin Hood was a hero, not a thief.
  5. Speaker 5

    Set 3:

    • Dogs make better pets than cats.
    • Fiction is preferable to nonfiction.
    • Virtual reality is a better form of entertainment than traditional movies and TV shows.
  6. Speaker 6

    Set 3:

    • Dogs make better pets than cats.
    • Fiction is preferable to nonfiction.
    • Virtual reality is a better form of entertainment than traditional movies and TV shows.
  7. Speaker 7

    Set 4:

    • X does more harm than Facebook.
    • Summer is better than winter.
    • The use of plastic should be banned in all forms.
  8. Speaker 8

    Set 4:

    • X does more harm than Facebook.
    • Summer is better than winter.
    • The use of plastic should be banned in all forms.
  9. Speaker 9

    Set 5:

    • Money can’t buy happiness.
    • Baseball is no longer America’s pastime.
    • Eating meat is morally wrong.
  10. Speaker 10

    Set 5:

    • Money can’t buy happiness.
    • Baseball is no longer America’s pastime.
    • Eating meat is morally wrong.

Round 2 - 10:30AM

  1. Speaker 1

    Set 1:

    • Candy should be given as rewards in the classroom.
    • The Supreme Court is too powerful.
    • Werewolves are scarier than vampires.
  2. Speaker 2

    Set 1:

    • Candy should be given as rewards in the classroom.
    • The Supreme Court is too powerful.
    • Werewolves are scarier than vampires.
  3. Speaker 3

    Set 2:

    • Students should wear uniforms to school.
    • Athletes speaking out on their beliefs have done more harm than good.
    • The use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture is necessary for food security.
  4. Speaker 4

    Set 2:

    • Students should wear uniforms to school.
    • Athletes speaking out on their beliefs have done more harm than good.
    • The use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture is necessary for food security.
  5. Speaker 5

    Set 3:

    • National Security ought to be prioritized over the right to privacy.
    • Time-traveling forwards is preferable to time-traveling backward.
    • Round pizzas are better than rectangular ones.
  6. Speaker 6

    Set 3:

    • National Security ought to be prioritized over the right to privacy.
    • Time-traveling forwards is preferable to time-traveling backward.
    • Round pizzas are better than rectangular ones.
  7. Speaker 7

    Set 4:

    • Public transit is preferable to personal vehicle ownership.
    • The use of artificial intelligence in the criminal justice system will cause more harm than good.
    • Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
  8. Speaker 8

    Set 4:

    • Public transit is preferable to personal vehicle ownership.
    • The use of artificial intelligence in the criminal justice system will cause more harm than good.
    • Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
  9. Speaker 9

    Set 5:

    • Capitalism is a preferable economic system to socialism.
    • Darth Vader was ultimately a hero, not a villain.
    • Schools should allow students to bring pets to class.
  10. Speaker 10

    Set 5:

    • Capitalism is a preferable economic system to socialism.
    • Darth Vader was ultimately a hero, not a villain.
    • Schools should allow students to bring pets to class.

Final Round - 12:30PM

  1. Speaker 1

    Set 1:

    • The internet has done more harm than good.
    • Virtual learning is not suitable for young children.
    • Trade schools are preferable to higher education.
  2. Speaker 2

    Set 1:

    • The internet has done more harm than good.
    • Virtual learning is not suitable for young children.
    • Trade schools are preferable to higher education.
  3. Speaker 3

    Set 2:

    • Environmental rights of the future should supersede economic interests of current generations.
    • Billionaires should pay for their own stadiums.
    • The use of robots in the workplace will cause more harm than good.
  4. Speaker 4

    Set 2:

    • Environmental rights of the future should supersede economic interests of current generations.
    • Billionaires should pay for their own stadiums.
    • The use of robots in the workplace will cause more harm than good.
  5. Speaker 5

    Set 3:

    • Aliens are real.
    • Children should not be allowed to watch television.
    • Space exploration is a more worthwhile endeavor than ocean exploration.
  6. Speaker 6

    Set 3:

    • Aliens are real.
    • Children should not be allowed to watch television.
    • Space exploration is a more worthwhile endeavor than ocean exploration.