D. Elementary SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1 - 8:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    Students should be allowed to skip grades in school
    Being the oldest child is better than being the youngest child
    All parks should have playgrounds

  2. Speaker 2

    Students should be allowed to skip grades in school
    Being the oldest child is better than being the youngest child
    All parks should have playgrounds

  3. Speaker 3

    Students should not be allowed to use phones in class.
    Superheroes are good role models for children
    Animals should not be kept in zoos

  4. Speaker 4

    Students should not be allowed to use phones in class.
    Superheroes are good role models for children
    Animals should not be kept in zoos

  5. Speaker 5

    Happiness is more important than success.
    Cartoons are a waste of time
    Doctor visits should be free

  6. Speaker 6

    Happiness is more important than success.
    Cartoons are a waste of time
    Doctor visits should be free

Round 2 - 9:30am

  1. Speaker 1

    Money can buy happiness
    burritos are better than burgers
    The school day should be shorter

  2. Speaker 2

    Money can buy happiness
    burritos are better than burgers
    The school day should be shorter

  3. Speaker 3

    Reading is better than watching TV
    Raisins don’t belong in desserts
    Kids should make their own bedtime

  4. Speaker 4

    Reading is better than watching TV
    Raisins don’t belong in desserts
    Kids should make their own bedtime

  5. Speaker 5

    Tuesday is the worst day of the week
    Gossip is helpful
    Fruit counts as dessert

  6. Speaker 6

    Tuesday is the worst day of the week
    Gossip is helpful
    Fruit counts as dessert

Round 3 - 10:45am

  1. Speaker 1

    Candy should be given as rewards in the classroom.
    Self-defense should be taught as a PE class
    Art is more important than science

  2. Speaker 2

    Candy should be given as rewards in the classroom.
    Self-defense should be taught as a PE class
    Art is more important than science

  3. Speaker 3

    Gardening should be a required class in school
    Classical music is better than pop music
    Human life is more important than animal life.

  4. Speaker 4

    Gardening should be a required class in school
    Classical music is better than pop music
    Human life is more important than animal life.

  5. Speaker 5

    Grades should be based on effort, not correct answers
    The Internet does more good than harm.
    It is better to be strong than fast

  6. Speaker 6

    Grades should be based on effort, not correct answers
    The Internet does more good than harm.
    It is better to be strong than fast

Finals - 12:15pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Chick-fil-a is better than In-N-Out
    Cheating is always wrong
    Purses are more useful than backpacks

  2. Speaker 2

    Chick-fil-a is better than In-N-Out
    Cheating is always wrong
    Purses are more useful than backpacks

  3. Speaker 3

    There are good lessons to be learned from cartoons
    Paper books are better than e-books
    You should always listen to your parents

  4. Speaker 4

    There are good lessons to be learned from cartoons
    Paper books are better than e-books
    You should always listen to your parents

  5. Speaker 5

    All people should become vegetarian
    Goldilocks should be arrested for breaking into the home of the Three Bears
    Reading is better than writing

  6. Speaker 6

    All people should become vegetarian
    Goldilocks should be arrested for breaking into the home of the Three Bears
    Reading is better than writing