D. Novice IPDA Event Prompts

Rd 1 - 9:15 Flight A Strike/9:45 Flight B & NFA LD

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 1 – Flight A

    The use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture should be banned in the US.

    The United Nations should enforce stricter sanctions on nations that violate international human rights.

    When in conflict, individual autonomy should prevail over public health measures.

    The United States should significantly increase funding for renewable energy research and development.

    Justice should prioritize rehabilitation over punishment.



  2. Speaker 2

    Round 1 – Flight B

    When in conflict, scientific progress should prevail over ethical considerations.

    The United Nations should have the authority to intervene militarily in sovereign nations to prevent human rights abuses.

    The United States should adopt a national carbon pricing policy.

    The United States should adopt a policy of mandatory national service for all citizens.

    Equality of opportunity is more important than equality of outcome.

Rd 2 - 11:15 Flight A Strike/11:45 Flight B & NFA

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 2 – Flight A

    When ln conflict, national security should take precedence over individual privacy.

    The international community should prioritize addressing climate change over economic growth

    The World Trade Organization should enforce stricter labor standards in trade agreements.

    The use of torture is justified when national security is at stake.

    The US should mandate LGBT+ inclusive comprehensive sex ed in high schools.





  2. Speaker 2

    Round 2 – Flight B

    When in conflict, individual well-being should take precedence over economic productivity.

    The World Trade Organization should enforce stricter environmental standards in trade agreements

    In the face of systemic injustice, affirmative action is a necessary remedy.

    Human dignity is a more important value than national sovereignty.

    All public restrooms should be gender-neutral.

Rd 3- 1:00 Flight A Strike & NFA / 1:30 Flight B

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 3 – Flight A

    The USFG should set a mandatory minimum age for marriage to 18.

    Cultural preservation should be prioritized over cultural assimilation.

    Freedom of speech should be protected at all costs.

    The principle of non-discrimination should guide immigration policies.

    All public schools should require students to learn a second language.



  2. Speaker 2

    Round 3 – Flight B

    Tolerance is a more important value than conformity.

    Parents should be legally responsible for their children's crimes.

    National identity should be inclusive rather than exclusive.

    The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports should be legalized.

    School uniforms should be mandatory in all public schools

Rd 4 - 3:00 Flight A/ 3:30 Flight B & NFA LD

  1. Speaker 1


    Round 4 – Flight A

    __________ should be the Republican nominee for President in 2024 instead of Donald J Trump.

    The United States should shift its foreign aid focus from military assistance to development and humanitarian aid.

    The United Nations should establish a standing peacekeeping force for rapid response to international conflicts.

    Social media companies should be held responsible for the spread of misinformation on their platforms.

    In healthcare, the principle of distributive justice should guide resource allocation.




  2. Speaker 2

    Round 4 – Flight B

    __________ should be the Democrat nominee for President in 2024 instead of Joe Biden.

    The USFG should rescind the time limit for ratification on the Equal Rights Amendment.

    The United States should implement stricter regulations on the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement.

    In matters of national security, the principle of proportionality should guide military actions.

    Freedom of speech is more important than preventing hate speech.


Elim 1 - 5:15 Flight A & NFA LD / 5:45 Flight B

  1. Speaker 1

    Bronze Round – Flight A

    Developed countries should cancel the debt of developing countries.

    Education quality is more important than education accessibility.

    The benefits of artificial intelligence outweigh the risks.

    When in conflict, the right to peaceful assembly should outweigh concerns for

    public order.

    Access to clean water is more important than economic development.




  2. Speaker 2

    Bronze Round – Flight B

    Wealthy countries have a moral obligation to provide financial aid to countries affected by natural disasters.

    The right to education includes the right to culturally relevant and inclusive curricula.

    When in conflict, social harmony should be prioritized over individual rights.

    Governments should prioritize space exploration over environmental conservation.

    The right to self-determination outweighs preserving territorial integrity.


Elim 2 - 7:20 IPDA & NFA LD

  1. Speaker 1

    Gold Round – Flight A

    Washington, D.C. should be granted statehood. 

    Housing First is the best approach to the homelessness crisis. 

    Name, Image, Likeness is an existential threat to college sports. 

    The United States federal government should enact the Credit Card Competition Act of 2023. 

    “Publish or perish” culture does more harm than good to academia. 


    Gold Round – Flight B 

    The United States federal government should significantly reduce its military presence in Japan. 

    Trophy hunting is a morally justifiable means of supporting conservation efforts. 

    Judicial activism is a significant threat to American democracy. 

    Electric cars are not a meaningful climate change solution. 


    Presidential pardon powers should be limited.