D. Novice IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 IPDA - 10:00 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes, Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes. Remaining topic is the topic for the debate. 30 minutes prep.

    1. Constitutional protections ought to be valued over public health.
    2. Sweden is the model for the coronavirus response.
    3. The States have overemphasized public health over civil liberties.
    4. The media has sensationalized coronavirus fears.
    5. The United States should sanction China for its negligence in the coronavirus crisis.
  2. Speaker 2

  3. Speaker 3

  4. Speaker 4

  5. Speaker 5

Round 2 IPDA - 11:30 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    Neg strikes, Aff Strikes, Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes. Remaining topic is debate topic. 30 minutes prep
    1. Joe Biden deserves to be the Democratic nominee for president.
    2. Kamala Harris should be the vice-presidential candidate.
    3. The Biden candidacy will be detrimental to the #MeToo movement.
    4. Biden is better prepared to be president.
    5. Biden will mobilize the youth vote.
  2. Speaker 2

  3. Speaker 3

  4. Speaker 4

  5. Speaker 5

Round 3 IPDA - 1:00 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    Neg strikes, Aff Strikes, Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes. Remaining topic is debate topic. 30 minutes prep

    1. Donald Trump should pardon Michael Flynn.
    2. China would prefer that Donald Trump loses the 2020 election.
    3. Trump has mishandled the coronavirus crisis.
    4. Trump will win a second term.
    5. Presidential use of social media negatively impacts the credibility of the office.
  2. Speaker 2

  3. Speaker 3

  4. Speaker 4

  5. Speaker 5

Round 4 IPDA - 2:30 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes, Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes. Remaining topic is debate topic. 30 minutes prep.

    1. Animal testing should be abolished.
    2. Meat shortages in America do more good than harm.
    3. America should stop subsidizing animal agriculture
    4. This house values all life over profit.
    5. Science class dissections should be banned in the United States.
  2. Speaker 2

  3. Speaker 3

  4. Speaker 4

  5. Speaker 5

Elim Round IPDA - 4:00 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes, Neg Strikes, Aff Strikes. Remaining topic is debate topic. 30 minutes prep

    1. The four-year university degree has been overemphasized.
    2. Distance education is inferior to traditional education.
    3. The United States Federal Government should forgive all student loans.
    4. Street smarts are more important than book smarts.
    5. Community colleges provide more life-skills than universities.
  2. Speaker 2

  3. Speaker 3

  4. Speaker 4

  5. Speaker 5